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Author Topic: Suggestion for a new non-deity religion.  (Read 139 times)


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    Suggestion for a new non-deity religion.
    « on: October 16, 2006, 01:48:47 pm »
    Reading over the Deities page, I got the inclination to write up an idea for a new in game religion. It came about from the following points. Seeing as the Ghostwise Halflings have a formalized practice of ancestor worship it might be helpful to players of those characters to have a more concrete idea of some basic belief system. Also it makes more sense for a player's Ghostwise character if they are a cleric to be following a religious system like this as the existing deities are a bit 'alien' for their culture. Also I am sure that among many other races the practice of ancestor worship would exist in one form or another. And finally, there really is no deity who represents death as a natural force in a major sense.

    So going off the format of the existing deity descriptions I came up with the following template.

    Ancestor Worshipers.

    'We are a chain, each individual a link, going back to the first of our peoples. Each generation has laid the foundation for the following generations prosperity, their sacrifices our benefit. Without our Ancestors, we are nothing, not even would we exist. Veneration of those who have come before us is our duty and privilege, to learn from their tested wisdom our honor and heritage, to see they are not forgotten our most important task. Honor the dead faithfully.

    Do not suffer the undead to walk, for they are an abomination to the natural cycle of generations.

    Do not partake of war, for it is the great bane of our ancestors, nothing destroys are people's future like it.

    Never stand by has someone seeks to destroy your people, their heritage, or knowledge.

    And always seek to live a balanced life, favoring neither good or evil, law or chaos, for such concepts are no more then mere ideas in the natural world.'

    Clergy favored weapons and clothing.

    Clerics of Ancestor Worship tend to wear grays to symbolize the dust everyone becomes, white for bone, and blacks for death. Often practicing worship whenever it strikes them, regardless of surroundings, these clerics tend to shun robes for more practical clothing. Also they have a flare for the theatrical, usually wearing black and white makeup in a 'Skull face' motif to remind the living that the dead are amongst them and watching. They also often wear bone jewelry made from actual relatives of theirs, or trinkets of hair, tooth, or nail. Some have gone so far as to make leather from ancestors skin, but this practice is usually discouraged as many folk outside the Ancestor Worshipers find it disturbing and evil.

    Metal armor is shunned upon by these clerics, unless it is considered to be a masterwork of their native people, in which case it is worn with a sense of duty to the makers of it. They will also wear no gold, silver, or fine jewel, unless it is considered to be a masterwork of their native people. The same applies for weapons, with many of these clerics only using weaponry made from the stone and wood of their homeland, or bone from ancestors or animals.

    Unlike some clerics, the use of a bow is encouraged as it is seen as a essential tool developed by their ancestors for survival. However the bow and arrows must be made of the same limited materials as any other weapon.

    Clergy Temples.

    Ancestor Worshipers do not build temples, instead they find and care for cemeteries. Seeing that their people are properly buried and remembered is a high duty for the clerics. And a good deal of their time is spent tending to the graves and grounds of the cemetery they watch over. They also keep small libraries of individual deeds and family trees, so that they can show their honor for ancestors by passing down their history and knowledge to future generations.

    High holiday:

    The last day of Oclar, and first day of Novlar are the major religious holiday for Ancestor Worshipers. They believe the spirits of the dead come back to watch and judge their decedents on these days. So great bonfire parties are had at the cemeteries, and the spirits are invited has the guest of honor. Lively festivals with dancing, drinking, and story telling occupy Ancestors Worshipers, with many not sleeping at all for both days.


    None, instead they look upon the entire night sky and think of it has a tapestry, viewing every star has a ancestor looking down upon them.


    These are usually a direct appeal to a relative who has passed on, or a notable ancestor. An important thing to note is it is considered a mortal sin to call upon an ancestor without either having some sacrifice to offer, or a vow to make in their service.


    Speakers for the Dead.
    The Keepers of the Resting Places.
    Recorders of the Great Knowledge.

    Race: Halfling, but exist in some form through out the common races.

    Alignment: True Neutral

    Worshipers: Ghostwise Halfling majority, but also a sizable mix of other races.

    Clerical alignments:

    Neutral Good
    True Neutral
    Neutral Evil





    Notes: Obviously a lot more would have to be worked out here, and a lot rewritten. To include something as major as a new religion in the game is something that must be done carefully and conservatively. So it would be best if it were done by the shaping of more then just one person. And to be honest, there are many more reasons why it would be better not to include this then there are to add it. But still I think it is a good idea and worth putting out there for consideration.


    RE: Suggestion for a new non-deity religion.
    « Reply #1 on: October 16, 2006, 02:00:11 pm »
    All divine (read: clerical) powers come directly from deities in Layonara. This topic came up before not long ago. The basic gist is that while your character could believe these things, he/she would not gain any powers or favors from that belief. There would be no clerics/shamans of the Ancestors, or whatever. It just isn't how things work in Layonara.
      In other words, it would not be possible to have a cleric of this faith/belief system.


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      Re: Suggestion for a new non-deity religion.
      « Reply #2 on: October 16, 2006, 03:46:19 pm »
      O.K., got it, and thank you for explaining that to me Dorganath. So other then the deity issue, is there anything else I'd have to rework in the concept? Thinking on it, I have a few new ideas that I can apply to it without losing the overall original spirit of the idea, but also fitting it in with the crucial point you have. And I'd like to really work at it, and get it to the point where it can be seriously considerd for adding to the game world. So any suggestions, or do's and don'ts would be very much appreciated.

      I'm sorry if it felt like I was pushing for a out of concept idea here, I certainly did not mean to beat a 'dead horse' of a subject. I just really like the concept of Layonara, and would be very happy to contribute something to it.


      RE: Suggestion for a new non-deity religion.
      « Reply #3 on: October 16, 2006, 03:57:15 pm »
      The people who would ultimately approve a permanent addition such as this would be Leanthar and EdTheKet. Their word is final on the matter.
         As I said, your character is free to believe what he or she will believe, but there can't really be any benefit to those beliefs.
        There are characters in-game who subscribe to a rather totemic, tribal sort of belief system, so this kind of thing is not uncommon, but there are no clerics of such. The closest would be a sort of shamanistic druid, but no clerics.

