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Author Topic: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas  (Read 807 times)

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Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
« on: October 17, 2005, 03:07:00 pm »
I see in tinkering that there are compound components that can be crafted and added to a bow. Can such compound components be added to a crossbow?
It would really be too bad if it is only bows, just means that crossbows only get the pluses from the wood that they are crafted.
Also instead of a wooden bow added to a crossbow, can you add instead a metal flexible bow? That would definitely add range to the crossbow.
There exists already, iron, mithril and admantite.(strength of the pull)
As for alloyed, they could be alloyed with tin, silver or platinum for greater flexibility.(range of the bolt)

If you could make the bow from metal. Then the crossbow could have the same enhancements as a melee weapon. Thus bolts fired from that particular crossbow would be flaming bolts, static bolts, acid bolts, etc.
Adding an enchanted crystal to the crafting of bolts would make the bolt an area affect when it strikes an opponent. The same could be done with arrows.

Guardian 452

RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2005, 03:42:00 pm »
The Compound Bow parts you see craftable thru tinkering can be added to ANY ranged Weapon. Shortbow, Longbow, Light Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, and Sling.

Thus my character that makes and sells them doesnt call them Compound bow parts.... he calls them Mighty Packages or Mighty Upgrades 1 thru 3



Guardian 452

RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2005, 03:54:00 pm »

We have over 144 different arrow and bolt combinations as it is now I think.

Ranging from 1 damage Slash, Pierce, Blunt, Negative to 2d8 Slash, Pierce, Blunt or Negative to specific racial groups.

Depending on the arrow head used you will deal  extra damage to specefic classes like Constructs, Animals, Undead, Magical Beasts.. etc...

An Example Iron Tipped, Oak Shafted, Stirge tailed bolts. These will Deal an additional 2d4 Negative damage to Golems, and 1d4 Negative agaisnt anything else.

The Arrowhead determines the racial group Iron - Constructs, Bronze - Animals, Silver - Undead (and Shapechange)

The Shaft determines damage Hickory-1, Oak (2d4)1d4, Mahogany (2d6)1d6, and Yew (2d8)1d8

The Tail determines the type of damage Owl - Slash, Raven - Blunt, Falcon - Pierce, Stirge - Negative.

Also you can buy plain arrows from the merchant and apply element enchant rods to them. that will give you 2. 1d4. 1d6. or 1d8 Damage in Fire, Cold, Electric, or Acid.

Im not sure extra damage can be added to the crossbow itself, Id have to to play around in the toolset and brush up on that.



Talan Va'lash

RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2005, 05:40:00 pm »
Guardian 452 - 10/17/2005  4:54 PM
Im not sure extra damage can be added to the crossbow itself, Id have to to play around in the toolset and brush up on that.

It can, but only through the use of the "Unlimited Ammo: X bolts/arrows"  Which is really unfortunate as it basically means there's no way to add extra damage in a manner that would be balanced for non epic characters.

The smallest amount of elemental damage you can add is 1d6.  That AND to add it you have to give the bow unlimited ammunition.  So, you now have a very powerfull bow with a near epic lvl req even if you just add that to a hickory bow.  Which is unfortunate.

I wish adding 1 or 2 or 1d4 damage that the bow bestows upon its ammunition (either physical or elemental) was possible but its not.

There are so many fun ways to customize melee weapons in NWN, but few for bows.  Though you can put almost anything you can put on a sword on arrows, arrows are consumables, which go quick in a PW.

G-452 designed a whole slew of fun craftable arrows (and bolts?) about... 5 months ago that haven't been put in yet.  i'm going to go dig that up and see what happened to the project.

Oh! To finally answer your question, bow parts can be used to add mighty to bows, crossbows and slings.  Acctually, I think ANY ranged weapon.  You could probably add them to like.. darts, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to.


Talan Va'lash



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RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2005, 07:46:00 pm »
...yea a dc 14 is to high for my char with most states. If i got into a fight and someone started shooting off arrows like that id be dead faster then i could figure what was going on. The proablem i see with these is, well for example, when my mage that was level 11 was messing with Bru who was level 16 or so, i cast hold monster and he had very little chance to save... now, if there sis a hold arrow, that would mean that a person that can shot them, level 11 or whatever it was, can effectivly take things out much much stronger then themselves, i cant solo berhagen, but if i had arrows like this... it would be like a walk in the park. a Berhagen Giant has a will save of 8, so a dc 14 hold arrow would have about.. 50% chance to hold the giant.. now there is only like a 50% chance this will go off, so effectivly its a 25% chance of success, for a 2 round hold. These just... against some critters there going to be to strong, against others there going to be worthless. And giving the low magic world we have i think these should be restrickted to a calss, my idea is the arcan archer. He will have the ablity to imbue shuch spells on an arrow, this would make it more like the pnp arcane archers, and sence there is one arcane archer out there at the moment (talon) and i think another on its way (kloss?) it will be rare and powerful for a rare calss.

All in all i dont want my wizard to be getting hit with arrows that make him do fort/reflex saves any more then he needs to.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2005, 07:44:00 am »
LoganGrimnar - 10/17/2005  8:46 PM

...yea a dc 14 is to high for my char with most states. If i got into a fight and someone started shooting off arrows like that id be dead faster then i could figure what was going on. The proablem i see with these is, well for example, when my mage that was level 11 was messing with Bru who was level 16 or so, i cast hold monster and he had very little chance to save... now, if there sis a hold arrow, that would mean that a person that can shot them, level 11 or whatever it was, can effectivly take things out much much stronger then themselves, i cant solo berhagen, but if i had arrows like this... it would be like a walk in the park. a Berhagen Giant has a will save of 8, so a dc 14 hold arrow would have about.. 50% chance to hold the giant.. now there is only like a 50% chance this will go off, so effectivly its a 25% chance of success, for a 2 round hold. These just... against some critters there going to be to strong, against others there going to be worthless. And giving the low magic world we have i think these should be restrickted to a calss, my idea is the arcan archer. He will have the ablity to imbue shuch spells on an arrow, this would make it more like the pnp arcane archers, and sence there is one arcane archer out there at the moment (talon) and i think another on its way (kloss?) it will be rare and powerful for a rare calss.

All in all i dont want my wizard to be getting hit with arrows that make him do fort/reflex saves any more then he needs to.

This is exactly the discussion thats going on right now.

Talan and Jacchri are the only AA's on the server since Peragro is gone/not returning.

As for making it an AA ability or only usable by AA's... Frankly, AA's don't really need to be more powerfull.

However, going off on a tangent.. I think some minorly powerfull fun abilities gained in the mid levels would be nice since you cant cast any AoE spell you want via imbue arrow as you can in PnP (I wanna shoot confusion arrows! hehe)  Also because well... seeker arrows.. well, they really suck :P  They give you the option to sacrifice all your attacks in the round in exchange for 1 guaranteed hit.. aaand... There are not all that many creatures that I don't already have at least 1 almost guaranteed hit against per round, and a chance of even more.  Additionally, since its a ranged touch attack and it just applies damage to the target after the vfx, it spits the damage into physical (from the arrow, and I dont know if mighty is even counted) and it turns the extra enchantment bonus from enchant arrow into magical damage.  So anything with 10/+1 or greater DR ignores all the physical damage... so basically it just does 5 magical damage whenever I use it.  Hail of arrows is the same way, it does less damage to fewer targets than the fireball arrow and has the unfortunate consequence of making everything want to kill you as quickly as possible.

What would be cool is if at AA level 4 you gained an item that when used created 5 1d4 fire arrows per day, to simulate enchanting them with fire when you shoot them.  and then another at lvl 6 AA that makes 5 1d6 cold arrows or something.  If anyone ever played the console BG: Dark Alliance (yes, it was more diablo than BG but..) you could play an AA in that and it had abilities like this where you could fire elemental arrows of different types as you advanced.  IIRC the fire arrows just did fire damage, the higher lvl cold arrows froze (slowing the target) on a crit, and the higher lvl acid ones paralyzed the target on a crit for a few rounds.

so yeah, thats not really related to the PnP AA, but, I thought it was cool.  And I always thought AA's arrows should glow :P

Scripting the items that give the arrows would be a royal pain though, since they'd have to be non-transferable (since rpwise they are enchanted at the moment they're fired) and they would have to dissapear when you rested so you couldnt sit in a safe rest area an manufacture them.  Since its supposed to be mimicing a 5/day ability not an ability to craft enchanted arrows.

But, yeah, this probably isnt going to happen because... it doesnt really need to.  Just venting my arrow fantasy.



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RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2005, 09:20:00 am »
on hit metor sworm arrows, YEA!


RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2005, 02:51:00 pm »
Can you apply element enchant rods to crafted arrows? That would be worth spending the 2K to 4K for the rod to apply it to a cunsumable item. Oh and thanks for the chart. I am making arrows all the time and would like to start to focus there use. Could you revise with lvl resrtictions? such as

I am assuming that the tail does not afftect the level restriction.

level restrictions for usage:
copper tipped hickory shaft lvl ?
copper tipped oak shaft lvl ?
copper tipped mahogany shaft lvl ?
copper tipped yew shaft lvl ?
bronze tipped hickory shaft lvl ?
bronze tipped oak shaft lvl ?
bronze tipped mahogany shaft lvl ?
bronze tipped yew shaft lvl ?
Iron tipped hickory shaft lvl ?
Iron tipped oak shaft lvl ?
Iron tipped mahogany shaft lvl ?
Iron tipped yew shaft lvl ?
Sliver tipped hickory shaft lvl ?
Sliver tipped oak shaft lvl ?
Sliver tipped mahogany shaft lvl ?
Sliver tipped yew shaft lvl ?
Platinum tipped hickory shaft lvl ?
Platinum tipped oak shaft lvl ?
Platinum tipped mahogany shaft lvl ?
Platinum tipped yew shaft lvl ?

Level restrictions for creation




RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2005, 05:42:00 pm »
you cannot apply enchantment rods to crafted arrows or it will remove the arrow properties, although you can put enchantments on plain arrows.

Guardian 452

RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2005, 07:02:00 pm »
Guardian 452 - 10/17/2005  5:54 PM

Also you can buy plain arrows from the merchant and apply element enchant rods to them. that will give you 2. 1d4. 1d6. or 1d8 Damage in Fire, Cold, Electric, or Acid.



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RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2005, 01:57:00 am »
I did not know that, about adding enchantment rods to arrows bought through the range merchant. Does that also include bolts?

Must have been one of those IG secrets :P


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    RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
    « Reply #12 on: October 19, 2005, 04:34:00 am »
    Pretty sure it includes bolts, bullets, darts, shurikens, throwing axes...everything. But if theres a damage bonus already on the item it will overwrite that with the fresh elemental damage.

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    RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
    « Reply #13 on: October 23, 2005, 01:34:00 pm »
    Can a crossbow be given the same enchantment as a bow for endless ammo of a certain elemental offensive?

    If so, of what levels would you need to be for such enchantments?

    One possible enchantment, was wondering about, is the cleric invocation: Hammer of the Gods?


    RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
    « Reply #14 on: October 28, 2005, 04:25:00 pm »
    Umm... I don't think so

    I doubt the gods would appreciate their power being used like that





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    RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
    « Reply #15 on: October 30, 2005, 05:29:00 pm »
    My only suggestion is to incrase crafted stack sizes to 50, at least for the copper or hickory variations.  Those are fairly general purpose arrows but they are inconvenient to make and properly pricing them for the time investment puts them way out of range of what you might consider for a consumable item vs swords/maces/etc which are reusable.

    Thunder Pants

    RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
    « Reply #16 on: October 31, 2005, 10:26:00 am »
    LoganGrimnar - 10/17/2005  7:46 PM

    ...yea a dc 14 is to high for my char with most states. If i got into a fight and someone started shooting off arrows like that id be dead faster then i could figure what was going on. The proablem i see with these is, well for example, when my mage that was level 11 was messing with Bru who was level 16 or so, i cast hold monster and he had very little chance to save... now, if there sis a hold arrow, that would mean that a person that can shot them, level 11 or whatever it was, can effectivly take things out much much stronger then themselves, i cant solo berhagen, but if i had arrows like this... it would be like a walk in the park. a Berhagen Giant has a will save of 8, so a dc 14 hold arrow would have about.. 50% chance to hold the giant.. now there is only like a 50% chance this will go off, so effectivly its a 25% chance of success, for a 2 round hold. These just... against some critters there going to be to strong, against others there going to be worthless. And giving the low magic world we have i think these should be restrickted to a calss, my idea is the arcan archer. He will have the ablity to imbue shuch spells on an arrow, this would make it more like the pnp arcane archers, and sence there is one arcane archer out there at the moment (talon) and i think another on its way (kloss?) it will be rare and powerful for a rare calss.

    All in all i dont want my wizard to be getting hit with arrows that make him do fort/reflex saves any more then he needs to.

    ummm sorry to do this but your math is slightly flawed here, if the giant has a will save of 8 vs a DC of 14, this translates to him only failing on rolls of 1-5, or 25% of the time, not 50% of the time, then you add in that he will only have to make this roll of 50% of the shots that hit him, and you have roughly a 12% chance of the hold working, all this is while 3 more giants are throwing rocks at you

    this isn't to say such arrows arn't stong, because they are, but they wouldn't really allow a person to solo the server on their merrits alone, there are simply too many creatures that attack in groups for a non AoE missle weapon to make that huge of a difference

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
    « Reply #17 on: October 31, 2005, 03:01:00 pm »
    Komoda - 10/23/2005  2:34 PM

    Can a crossbow be given the same enchantment as a bow for endless ammo of a certain elemental offensive?

    If so, of what levels would you need to be for such enchantments?

    One possible enchantment, was wondering about, is the cleric invocation: Hammer of the Gods?

    I have no idea what you're asking here.  

    Such enchantments arent available IG.  I was refering to what it is possible to make in the toolset.

    There will never be any onhit AoE spells available, and especially not damaging ones.  

    There is a craftable crossbow with unlimited ammo: bolts though.


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    RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
    « Reply #18 on: October 31, 2005, 07:26:00 pm »
    The reason I was asking about AoE bolts is because of the presence of Alchemist's Fire, Fire Bomb, Acid Bomb and Acid Flask.
    If fire bomb and acid bomb could be added to a bolt, it would give more clout to a bolt fired from a crossbow.

    The recipe for the making of these special bolts would be much the same as it is now, but with a slight alteration. Instead of using wood for the shaft of the bolt, the recipe could use crystal rods or even ingots of glass in the bolt construction along with either flasks of alchemist's fire or vials of acid bomb.

    Another idea, though not new, would be a crossbow that launched grape shot type ammo. Small hollow glass balls filled with acid or alchemist fire.


    RE: Crossbow and Ammo Ideas
    « Reply #19 on: December 06, 2005, 10:28:00 pm »
    Two words:

    Alchemist's Arrows.