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Author Topic: Putting the backpack from "robes" into "cloaks"  (Read 340 times)


Putting the backpack from "robes" into "cloaks"
« on: September 07, 2009, 10:27:28 am »
This is quite a small thing, and not something I expect to change, but it's an idea I had so I thought I might post it if it wasn't the kind of thing that would cause too much trouble.

I thought it might be nice to have the backpack customization, the one that's in robes section where it appears the character has a quiver, bow, bedroll, and pack on his back also inserted into the cloak customization screen.

I have two reasons for this: First, the backpack look that is currently in robes is colored off of the secondary cloth color and the primary leather color. This makes it slightly inconvenient for users who don't want their armor to share the same color as their backpack, something which seems it would be a more miscellaneous add-on. I noticed this on my Dwarf mainly because when I thought of making his pack visible it turned out to share the same gray/metallic tones I had for my armor.

The second reason is that having the backpack in the robes option makes it disappear if you change armors. If you had it in the cloaks section it could remain visible, or you could unequip it (say to take it off your back and look through it) and still have your armor on.

It might also make sense to have in the cloaks section as having the backpack customization and a cloak on create clipping problems.

Just some thoughts. I realize this is pretty much nitpicking, but if it's not too much trouble, something to think about?
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Re: Putting the backpack from "robes" into "cloaks"
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2009, 07:55:22 pm »
I'm not totally sure I remember right, but isn't there one already in the cloak section?

Beside the one in the robe was created that way and on a specific garment. If there is none in the cloak section, someone will have to create one from scratch.


Re: Putting the backpack from "robes" into "cloaks"
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2009, 03:47:08 am »
I've gone through all the options a couple times with my dwarf and haven't seen it. It may be only available to humans or the taller folk or something.

Well, no worries. I didn't really know if a whole new one would have to be created or not, but it's definitely not worth it if it does. Thanks Hellblazer for the reply.


Re: Putting the backpack from "robes" into "cloaks"
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2009, 04:58:49 am »
Aye I thought I remembered right. There is a back pack available in the cloak section for the elf and human.

Now here is the part I am unsure about. But it may be that there is a way to make the backpack available for dwarfs and smaller races. Talking with script wrecked he says there is a NWN armory on the vault that will do conversions, but he is not sure if it has the formula for the cloaks. It may be worth a look.


Re: Putting the backpack from "robes" into "cloaks"
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2009, 07:34:37 am »
Are you sure you are not thinking of the neck option?  I've gone through the cloaks with Tyra and I've never seen a back pack...


Re: Putting the backpack from "robes" into "cloaks"
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2009, 08:14:12 am »
Ah eh yeah I say cloak for neck as you actually have some cloak in that section. If you wanted to have a back pack in the "cloak customization tools", you would have to duplicate each cloak to add a back pack to the duplicate version.


Re: Putting the backpack from "robes" into "cloaks"
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2009, 08:17:45 am »
There are no backpack appearances in the cloak item models for any race as far as I know. In this, I am speaking of the appearance of the equipable, dynamic cloak item, which is what I believe is being requested in the original post.

There are still armor customization options that show cloaks and backpacks (as has been suggested, on the "Neck" options, I believe), but these are tied to the armor and not the cloak, and as such, unequipping the armor will remove the backpack visual.


Re: Putting the backpack from "robes" into "cloaks"
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2009, 08:20:39 am »
Right, Dorg.  :)  I think Shiokara is suggesting (if possible) a backpack be made for the dynamic cloak items.  Not knowing what's involved I won't assume it's easy or doable but if I knew anything I would try to use the model we have for the neck option and make it work for the cloaks.


Re: Putting the backpack from "robes" into "cloaks"
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2009, 08:23:01 am »
Yes, I know what's being suggested. I was attempting to disambiguate the "cloaks" that are part of armor customization and those which are their own separate items. :)


Re: Putting the backpack from "robes" into "cloaks"
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2009, 08:29:25 am »
Gotchya!  *runs off to find another thread to comment on...*

Script Wrecked

Re: Putting the backpack from "robes" into "cloaks"
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2010, 07:16:40 am »
Quote from: Shiokara
This is quite a small thing, and not something I expect to change, but it's an idea I had so I thought I might post it if it wasn't the kind of thing that would cause too much trouble.

I thought it might be nice to have the backpack customization, the one that's in robes section where it appears the character has a quiver, bow, bedroll, and pack on his back also inserted into the cloak customization screen.

I have two reasons for this: First, the backpack look that is currently in robes is colored off of the secondary cloth color and the primary leather color. This makes it slightly inconvenient for users who don't want their armor to share the same color as their backpack, something which seems it would be a more miscellaneous add-on. I noticed this on my Dwarf mainly because when I thought of making his pack visible it turned out to share the same gray/metallic tones I had for my armor.

The second reason is that having the backpack in the robes option makes it disappear if you change armors. If you had it in the cloaks section it could remain visible, or you could unequip it (say to take it off your back and look through it) and still have your armor on.

It might also make sense to have in the cloaks section as having the backpack customization and a cloak on create clipping problems.

Just some thoughts. I realize this is pretty much nitpicking, but if it's not too much trouble, something to think about?

Released in [THREAD=269902]Version 3.21.7[/THREAD] (this was highly dependent upon the backpack robes [THREAD=247082]problem[/THREAD]).