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Author Topic: De-nerf Dev Crit thread  (Read 1706 times)


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2009, 01:41:04 pm »
So I have been testing Dev Crit in vanilla NWN and it is really not all that nuts. Once in a while the stars come together and you get to kill a few bad guys in one one round. On layo fighters with Dev Crit who ran into a pack of bag guys (level appropriate) without all the needed buffs would still have a very very high chance of getting mushed. So in short:
 1. Dev Crit is not all that powerful since it is chance based and needs a lot of good rolls to line up.
 2. Fighters with Dev Crit will still need to be buffed up to survive the majority of the time that Dev Crit does not fire off.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2009, 09:44:35 pm »
Another solution may be to get rid of Dev crit altogether and make oil of sharpness a permanent addition to a weapon. Thus increasing the crit threat range but not the crit power.

If that were to happen I would suggest making the ingredients a bit tougher to get. Like maybe a Mithril ingot instead of Addy.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2009, 10:05:35 pm »
I had similar thoughts on making it permanent, or at least longer lasting. The following is discussion held on this from 2005:

Quote from: Pankoki
Keen will never be made permanent. Period.
  The recipe was created to balance the power of the ability. It is at this point what the team considers to be fine, powerwise.
  So the recipe will remain as it is for now, these components can be obtained all in mass quantities.

Complete Discussion:


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #23 on: December 21, 2009, 01:57:44 am »
Quote from: jrizz
So I have been testing Dev Crit in vanilla NWN and it is really not all that nuts. Once in a while the stars come together and you get to kill a few bad guys in one one round. On layo fighters with Dev Crit who ran into a pack of bag guys (level appropriate) without all the needed buffs would still have a very very high chance of getting mushed. So in short:
 1. Dev Crit is not all that powerful since it is chance based and needs a lot of good rolls to line up.
 2. Fighters with Dev Crit will still need to be buffed up to survive the majority of the time that Dev Crit does not fire off.

While it's hard to say anything without knowing details of your tested build, Dev. Crit. is very powerful and still is so in Layonara as well.

1. It needs three decent rolls to be any good. Dependent on weapon choice and build this might vary a bit, but Dev. Crit with scimitars or any WM build will rip through mobs quick. All you need is a decent roll to threaten (15-20 for the above), a decent roll (10-20) to connect and dependent on the foe, a semi-difficult roll for the DC save.

Add in 4 attacks minimum per round, up to 6 or 7 with haste and two weapon fighting and boom, suddenly most things get struck down really fast and if the auto-kill doesn't trigger you still crit, inflicting tons of damage. Again, builds vary and so will the results somewhat, but saying Dev. Crit is not powerful is just not true, especially considering you have to build towards it.

2. How is they still need to be buffed up even an argument? It is an offensive passive ability, it's not supposed to make you invulnerable, but it does help a lot in cutting down masses of foes even quicker than a crit-happy build already can.

I'd also like to add that, yes, you are correct to state that Dev. Crit will never be as lethal as a high DC mass-death spell in killing power and killing concentration, but drop a haste and concealment on that Dev. Critter and it's only a matter of time and luck in rolls until everything gets mowed down quick.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2009, 02:17:28 am »
I have been testing it on a number of builds the most powerful of course are the fighter/wm ones. And at no time has there been a test fight where everything got dropped in one round. You dont need one good roll you need a lot of good rolls in a row for it to happen.
 Also to address another issue that this brings up for me is that it seems that the dev crit req was pumped to aviod what could happen with a super power build. I thought we were not about super power builds. So it seems those of us that dont build super power builds are being punished because someone MIGHT do a super power build.
 Lastly it does not matter the mix of magic and a fighter with dev crit. Since when you have a mage with you you dont need to have dev crit, the mage will stun, kill, blind, or KD the bad guys for you and the fights are over fast. So the only time it really comes into play is if you are in a gorup of melee PCs (which we dont have much of on layo for all the reasons already stated) or if the casters in your group go down.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2009, 02:40:29 am »
Quote from: jrizz
I have been testing it on a number of builds the most powerful of course are the fighter/wm ones. And at no time has there been a test fight where everything got dropped in one round. You dont need one good roll you need a lot of good rolls in a row for it to happen.

Dev. Crit has never been about dropping everything in a single round. It's not supposed to be that. Dev. Crit is the final step of a critical based build, helping that character sometimes top off the damage from a critical hit with an instant kill. Freak rolls like great cleave-dev, crit frenzies are about as common as getting all the kills with one weird for example. It happens, especially when you out-DC the group by a considerable margin, but it's rare.

Quote from: jrizz
Also to address another issue that this brings up for me is that it seems that the dev crit req was pumped to aviod what could happen with a super power build. I thought we were not about super power builds. So it seems those of us that dont build super power builds are being punished because someone MIGHT do a super power build.

It's the other way around. By raising the requirement to a very high number, it actually weakens the build because you sacrifice a lot of feats, ability points and essentially become a one trick pony. Bringing the requirement down to original levels would allow much much stronger powerbuilds to be built.

Quote from: jrizz
Lastly it does not matter the mix of magic and a fighter with dev crit. Since when you have a mage with you you dont need to have dev crit, the mage will stun, kill, blind, or KD the bad guys for you and the fights are over fast. So the only time it really comes into play is if you are in a gorup of melee PCs (which we dont have much of on layo for all the reasons already stated) or if the casters in your group go down.

Again, a very narrow point of view. If a group initiates battle with an equally difficult group of enemies, the spawn is usually large and tough enough to survive one wave of CC, not to mention counterspells and spells of their own. That's when Dev. Crit is the most valuable, not when you are grinding away in a melee-only group. As I said above, Dev. Crit is not meant to be a click-kill mechanism, it's meant to be that bonus to a crit-heavy build. You inflict tons of damage very often as it is, but forcing a succesful DC will occasionally allow you to move on even quicker.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #26 on: December 21, 2009, 03:28:16 am »
On point one you made my point even stronger.
 On point two, first of all this idea of it taking sacrifice to get to Dev Crit is way off. A fighter/wm who take 24 levels of fighter then 5 levels of wm then 3 more fighters can get to Dev Crit with many many feats to spare. Next It is very very clear that the req was raised to prevent power builders from getting out of hand, thus it was done to address the few bad eggs at the expense of the rest of the community.
 As to point three I see what you are saying but Dev Crit is not really going to make that much of a difference in a well balanced group fighting a difficult spawn. It will make the melee PCs more useful in the fight that is true.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #27 on: December 21, 2009, 03:44:22 am »
Quote from: jrizz
On point one you made my point even stronger.

Your original point being that Dev. Crit is not really powerful was not touched in my last response. I was merely responding to your last statement which for some reason sees Dev. Crit as some sort of miracle feat designed to be on par with mass-death spells and that's just not true. I was trying to clarify the point behind the feat.

Quote from: jrizz
On point two, first of all this idea of it taking sacrifice to get to Dev Crit is way off. A fighter/wm who take 24 levels of fighter then 5 levels of wm then 3 more fighters can get to Dev Crit with many many feats to spare. Next It is very very clear that the req was raised to prevent power builders from getting out of hand, thus it was done to address the few bad eggs at the expense of the rest of the community.

32(!) levels of focused character development, effectively denying your character of any absorbtion and hit point pool, getting less essential feats than a full-breed fighter could and therefore losing out most multi-classing opportunities and flexibility is my idea of sacrifice, yes.

Regarding the bad-egg argument, I disagree. I think with Dev. Crit the decision is much more so because it is a nightmare to balance. As it was previously mentioned as well, it's a feat that has seen a lot of discrimination in various other worlds as well just because it makes it very hard for developers to design encounters due to it's unpredictable nature.

I do agree though that power building or just focused building tends to make things worse on the balance side.

Quote from: jrizz
As to point three I see what you are saying but Dev Crit is not really going to make that much of a difference in a well balanced group fighting a difficult spawn. It will make the melee PCs more useful in the fight that is true.

At level 32 as you previously mentioned, a difficult spawn will have immunities, reductions and resistances all over the board. In addition there are spellcasters in encounters and the general HP pool is much much deeper.

In difficult spawns it is more often than not a race against time vs healing, so every kill counts and the quicker they come the better. Dev. Crit would make all the difference if you could luck out and insta-kill that heavily resistant melee-mob or that 1000 HP spellcaster who is usually concealed away.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #28 on: December 21, 2009, 04:31:46 am »
Quote from: s0ulz

32(!) levels of focused character development, effectively denying your character of any absorbtion and hit point pool, getting less essential feats than a full-breed fighter could and therefore losing out most multi-classing opportunities and flexibility is my idea of sacrifice, yes.

The 5 levels of WM far out gain the 5 levels of fighter. The special abilities, especially the increased multiplier is HUGE. The Hit Dice of a weapon master is the same as a fighter and so is the BAB. Weapon Master is hardly a sacrifice, in fact it is one of the few prestige classes in all of D&D that is a direct improvement with little to no multiclass negatives. The path of feats you have to take is about the only argument IMO as to why it is a sacrifice to be a WM. However, the dodge, mobility and expertise are great feats on layo.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #29 on: December 21, 2009, 05:22:44 am »
Quote from: Drizzlin
The 5 levels of WM far out gain the 5 levels of fighter. The special abilities, especially the increased multiplier is HUGE. The Hit Dice of a weapon master is the same as a fighter and so is the BAB. Weapon Master is hardly a sacrifice, in fact it is one of the few prestige classes in all of D&D that is a direct improvement with little to no multiclass negatives. The path of feats you have to take is about the only argument IMO as to why it is a sacrifice to be a WM. However, the dodge, mobility and expertise are great feats on layo.

No arguement there, WM is a very powerful PrC. Also I agree that it's only drawback is the hefty feat requirements which in combination with required feats for Devastating Critical drain a build of roughly a dozen feats plus several more for Greater Strength, leaving little to none room for feats that provide flexibility, heck you might even have trouble picking SMD if you needed it. It's only my personal opinion that such an amount invested into required feats is a sacrifice in versatility.

Also regarding Dev. Crit, you need 7 WM levels to get the most out of it, the multiplier is moot in comparison.

However, getting back on track, lowering the requirements and changing how Dev. Crit works would be more than welcome, because having a feat that almost no-one can use offers very little value to the game itself. Since orth took the time to work some other similar feats, it's definitely something that could be looked in.

For example, changing so that Dev. Crit adds an even bigger bonus to critical damage or perhaps even a portion in a rare exotic damage type. This would be a lucrative feat to go after, offering a huge boost in damage and lethality.

Another option would be to change the DC effect into paralysis instead if instant death, something that would contribute heavily for fighters tanking ability.

Hence, my idea would be to discuss possible changes to the feat to make it available, instead of discussing whether or not it is overpowered. The matter of the fact is that Layonara isn't built for vanilla Dev. Crit.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #30 on: December 21, 2009, 07:58:19 am »
Here is another idea, well more a compromise. Since Jrizz makes the argument that he made his character based on old requirements for Dev Crit. How about we make it that you need complete a CDQ to get Dev crit early. I say early but I mean the original requirements. The requirements for the CDQ would be that you would need to have created the character before the higher requirements for dev crit were added. Like being a dragon called.

This I believe would solve the issue and add a RP reason to the devistating attack.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #31 on: December 21, 2009, 10:13:41 am »
Quote from: jrizz
So it seems those of us that dont build super power builds are being punished because someone MIGHT do a super power build.

With full respect to your request and what is clearly a large amount of thought you have put into the request and your arguments in support of it, statements like this sort of cheapen the whole thing and really point fingers where none should be pointed.

The development and balancing team was not out to "punish" anyone, power-builders or not.  To suggest that is insulting to the equal, if not greater, amount of thought, given by more than just one person, into the balancing of the world as a whole, not just one feat, class or type of class.  

While it is true, we have had to take somewhat "punitive" measures when a small cross-section of the server population has behaved poorly and refused or ignored all requests to adjust their play-style (i.e. the few ruining things for the many), the idea that we would actually "punish" those who are doing what we encourage (i.e. builds that are more RP than mechanics) is, as I said above, somewhat insulting.

I strongly encourage re-reading Pan's comments, which I have quoted below. The amount of thought and consideration that he and others like Forsetti put into the overall world balance should not be easily discounted.

Quote from: Pankoki
It's not the same though. Even the most powerful of sorcerers only get a number of spells a day. Then they have to rest or use other resources. A melee character with devastating critical (especially properly built to have a lot of crits) can do this endlessly.

The fortitude save against it is 10 + 1/2 Character Level + Strength Modifier. You do the math... That's stronger than any spell out there.

You asked a question originally though and directed it at the development team, and though soulz answered it rather eloquently and with all the proper arguments that such a feat deserves, I will simply add some Layonara history.

Way back like five years ago, a bunch of us balancer folk had to look at all the epic progression because the level cap was raised from 20. We had limited resources as we pretty much always have had in here. As the epics were slowly being passed, we had to balance out an overpowered feat to fit with Layonara's power level at the time. In time, there were a whole lot more epic leveled people and so caster progression was looked at because unlike a fighter or a rogue whose damage always goes up, for casters, only very specific builds would scale upwards.

Was it the best approach to do things? Nope. I will say however that there were a lot of background projects that were planned that never took fruit because of lack of personnel and other similar issues. However, all that said, from a development standing point, Devastating Critical is still the same. Extremely overpowered.

If we would lower the requirements, once again, soulz is quite right. We would have to reduce the save, we would have to change it from a constant thing. It would be too powerful as it is.

I know its kinda hard to always have to hear the same litany. But in this case its unfortunately true. The real way to bring melee and physical damage classes up to par would be adding things like the PRC content which has over 50 feats, not to mention a bazillion new Base and Prestige Classes. However, once again... Lack of people... People focusing on the MMO... And all that.

In addition please remember the following:

NWN itself is not well-balanced, but does OK from levels 1-20.  Above that, there are some pretty real problems. Epic progressions tend toward more power for classes that wield it and a more linear and modest progression for those that don't (i.e. non-casting classes).  In the OC and expansions, power above level 20 for the pure melee builds came primarily from items and equipment (+9 this-and-thats, etc.)

For better or worse, much of Layonara that we still have was designed before Epic levels were even a possibility.  For the most part, everything else that has been done to adapt to Epic levels in the world has been a "bolt-on" sort of deal.  When we were getting v3 ready back in 2006, Pan and I talked several times, with Leanthar, about taking a look at every spell, class, feat, item and creature and devising a true and meaningful progression from level 1 to level 40. Unfortunately, given the workload involved with such a task, we realized that it probably would have added 6-12 months onto the project.  Given that we have something like 2300 custom creatures alone, you can see how this would be no small task.

EDIT: Also, using Wren and making some assumptions on buffs and equipment, as he stands now, his DC would be something like 39 on a Dev. Crit. for the insta-kill.  A similarly-spec'ed out caster tossing in a PWK, would have a DC of 38 (assuming I did my calculations properly), which is not that much different, but also remember that PWK is death magic, meaning one can have both immunity to the effect and resistance to the spell overall. Dev. Crit. has neither weakness.

So please, take the information presented here that is in opposition to your request and treat it not as resistance or even debate, but rather as exposing the grander picture than just "Well how over-powered can it be?"  I know we all tend to look at things and generally apply the needs of our own characters to them.  It's human nature to be sure.

And for full disclosure, my main character, also 32nd level, is a Sorcerer/Fighter/Spellsword multi-class who quite frakly would die quicker than Wren in most, if not all, of the places you're talking about due to build and equipment choices with which I am 100% happy to have taken.  Do I sometimes wish for a much higher AC and/or BAB? Yep!  Because once those spells fall, his AC plummets from around 30-35 to a much softer 15-20. And since he doesn't have GMW (again, by choice) or any other spells besides Bull's Strength that raise his BAB, to watch him go toe-to-toe with a lot of stuff that's out there on Belinara is pretty pathetic. It's an interesting build, but not one that's terribly survivable on his own in the usual "farms".  So when going solo anywhere (which is bloody rare as it is), soon as his spells run out, he's a nice, juicy target.  And no, he doesn't have PWK either.

Quote from: Masterjack
Here is another idea, well more a compromise. Since Jrizz makes the argument that he made his character based on old requirements for Dev Crit. How about we make it that you need complete a CDQ to get Dev crit early. I say early but I mean the original requirements. The requirements for the CDQ would be that you would need to have created the character before the higher requirements for dev crit were added. Like being a dragon called.

This I believe would solve the issue and add a RP reason to the devistating attack.

Interesting idea, but it has a couple problems.

First, Wren was created (in 2006) after Dev. Crit. was changed to its current requirements (in 2005).  Second, we couldn't just grant him the feat without changing the requirements for everyone.  NWN would flag his character as "illegal" and he'd not be able to log in. It could in theory be put onto an item as a reward but a free epic feat like that on an item is more along the lines of a WLDQ reward, not a single CDQ.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2009, 10:18:55 am »


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2009, 10:26:23 am »
I like the idea to add to the Fighter/WM/Duelist only Named Weapon script a chance that a random critical hit will be an instant kill.  It could have a low % chance like the extra XP as well.  OR maybe make that extra XP only off those insta-kill special criticals.

Does this sound possible?


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #34 on: December 21, 2009, 12:15:22 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
EDIT: Also, using Wren and making some assumptions on buffs and equipment, as he stands now, his DC would be something like 39 on a Dev. Crit. for the insta-kill.  A similarly-spec'ed out caster tossing in a PWK, would have a DC of 38 (assuming I did my calculations properly), which is not that much different, but also remember that PWK is death magic, meaning one can have both immunity to the effect and resistance to the spell overall. Dev. Crit. has neither weakness.

doesn't immunity to critical hits negates dev crit? so it does balance itself in a way when you compare it to the death immunities.

So yes it would actually be more balancing issue to work into the spawn. But if you put a few critical immune foes, then you ensure that the feat is not killing every thing in one spawn.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #35 on: December 21, 2009, 01:21:01 pm »
Quote from: Hellblazer
doesn't immunity to critical hits negates dev crit? so it does balance itself in a way when you compare it to the death immunities.

So yes it would actually be more balancing issue to work into the spawn. But if you put a few critical immune foes, then you ensure that the feat is not killing every thing in one spawn.

Yep, Crit. immunity would negate it, but outside of the undead circles, there's not a whole lot with this immunity.  And that doesn't even begin to touch SR or other things that boost saves vs. spells.

Even so, putting in a "few" critical immune foes is a bit of an understatement. Even if we limited the scope of such to places where people with Dev. Crit. are likely to go, that's still dozens of areas, with even more encounters and creatures to review and potentially adjust.  If an encounter is comprised of only a single creature type, then it becomes either an all-or-nothing situation in terms of crit. immunity, or we end up making up near-duplicate versions of each just to pepper in a few immune creatures.

Adding a more widespread crit. immunity also effectively makes encounters  more difficult for everyone, actually taking power away from builds like Weapon Masters, as their critical threat range becomes useless for those creatures.  And even for everyone else in the melee set, it simply makes them harder to kill by taking away that occasional extra damage that can really make or break any given combat situation.

We're talking about making one feat more available to...perhaps...half a dozen people. In doing so, we should not make the whole server, or large sections of it, more difficult.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2009, 01:54:06 pm »
True enough


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2009, 02:00:59 pm »
Is it possible it could become a EPIC feat for the WM?  Say for lvl 15 WM levels?

Not to limit it to just Weapon MAsters, but they are the class that is supposed THE class focusing on becoming SO good at a weapon that they get that extra crit range AND an extra crit multiplier.  So just a thought...

Of course that makes it somewhat unfair to fighters and other classes, but they still have the option of the 30 str and such feat req.

I donno, I'm just throwing out ideas.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #38 on: December 21, 2009, 02:17:04 pm »
Not to cut in, but is changing the feat even on the table, Dorganath?

Because if it is or theoretically could be, perhaps we could aim this thread towards that area - what could we change it to, so that it could still keep it's relative exotic and epic nature, but still be realistic to get and not too overpowering.

As I briefly gave a few ideas before, how about those for a starting point of that sort of discussion:

- Make Dev. Crit add exotic crit damage to critical hits and lower it to STR 25.
- Make Dev. Crit have some sort of other incapacitating effect that has an immunity, but is still of great help to melee, such as paralysis or stun.


Re: De-nerf Dev Crit thread
« Reply #39 on: December 21, 2009, 02:43:14 pm »
Maybe a Con drain?  Or an automatic KD?

