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Author Topic: Just a thought  (Read 280 times)


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    Just a thought
    « on: October 18, 2005, 08:18:00 am »
    Now I don't know much about different servers running and what not but I have noticed that we tend to get a high amount of players on Mistone which can really add to the lag.  I've also noticed that the East Server almost always remains empty.  So my idea was why not split rilara and add it onto the East server. Doing this would give players more options to leave Mistone during peak times better dispursing the player base between the 3 servers.   Some times we go to Draegar but from what I hear Rilara has lower levEL content so would be a better option for people wanting to escape the lag.


    RE: Just a thought
    « Reply #1 on: October 18, 2005, 09:09:00 am »
    I sort of second this...  Not really sure of the work involved here and how possible this would be....err... what I mean to say is (and this is something I like) there will always be waaay more low-level (


    RE: Just a thought
    « Reply #2 on: October 18, 2005, 09:36:00 am »
    miltonyorkcastle - 10/18/2005 11:09 AM Perhaps, the content of the east and central servers could be placed on a single server, and the content of west, where the majority of the people spend their time, could be split between the other two servers. In this way, rather than having West: 40+ players, Central: <10 players, and East: <5 players, the split would be more even, to say, West: 20+ players, Central: 20+ players, and East: <15. Again, not sure how this could be implemented, but it would possibly ease the load on west server.

      Well the content of Central and East (West too) are already over 70+ MB in size each.  Both are really quite large, so combining them is probably completely unmanageable.  We've already blown past the Bioware recommended max for module size by quite a bit as it is.  Effectively doubling the size of module (to ~150MB) would be crazy...if it's even possible.
      Running both Central and East on the same physical server but on different ports would get us into issues of memory, drive space/speed, etc.
      One other point...I think in most cases, dedicating an entire server to Rilara would be a supreme waste of space. I'm pretty sure that most people on West congregate on Mistone, so I'm not sure it would really do much for the lag picture nor help to spread people out much.


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      RE: Just a thought
      « Reply #3 on: October 18, 2005, 10:02:00 am »
      Dorganath - 10/18/2005  12:36 PM    
      miltonyorkcastle - 10/18/2005 11:09 AM Perhaps, the content of the east and central servers could be placed on a single server, and the content of west, where the majority of the people spend their time, could be split between the other two servers. In this way, rather than having West: 40+ players, Central:


      RE: Just a thought
      « Reply #4 on: October 18, 2005, 10:23:00 am »
      How's about everyone jes donate 10 bucks to L, so he can get faster cable, another server or whatever is needed. :)

      I'll lead by example and donate $50 when my paycheck comes this month. 'cos Layo has been so much more fun in 2 months than EQ or DA for 6.

      Har! A server fer mistone and one fer Rilara and the Isles. :)


      RE: Just a thought
      « Reply #5 on: October 18, 2005, 10:25:00 am »
      By "waste of space" I meant that Rilara is not all that large in terms of number of areas.  In that situation, we'd have one server with fairly heavy use (Mistone), one server that is vastly under-utilized (Rilara), and another server trying to do the work of two servers (Central and East).
        While the point about East being a waste in that it's hardly used is valid, putting both East and Central on the same server will still significantly increase the amount of memory being used by that physical server, and it will cause division of CPU work between the two modules.  Lag on Central and East would hit at lower numbers of players than it does now.  While that may not seem like a big deal at first, there are some fairly large groups which go to Central and East.  Voltrex is pretty much closed, but Xantril is more than available for exploration, as well as the Underdark.
        By the way, I'm not suggesting that it can't be done.  I'm suggesting, however, that it's not just as simple as moving things around.  And in doing so, we of course need to weigh the benefits vs. the new problems such a reconfiguration would cause...and then determine if its worth the effort.


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        RE: Just a thought
        « Reply #6 on: October 18, 2005, 10:28:00 am »
        Right I don't want Central and East on the same server I'd just like to consider the possibility of moving Rilara to the east server and leaving everything else as is.

        That way during peak times players could choose between Rilara and Draeger depending on what level they are as better alternatives to Mistone.


        RE: Just a thought
        « Reply #7 on: October 18, 2005, 10:33:00 am »
        actually, I completely understand what you are saying Dorganath, depsite my generally limited knowledge of computer related issues.

        I was working on the assumption that there was not as much content on the East server as everywhere else, since it is used the least.  Apparently, I was wrong.  The only solution, bar from removing content (which is bad bad bad), would be a 4th server- one for Mistone, and one for everything else on the West server, but seeing as how I don't have the $2000+ to donate, I'll just be happy with it how it is.

        If someone comes up with a another solution, let me know, but that's the only way I can see resloving the lag issues (which are still, for as much as there is available on one server in Layo, nothing compared to other worlds I have played on).

