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Author Topic: Drop Items  (Read 650 times)


Drop Items
« on: August 01, 2012, 05:58:40 pm »
Since the classic adventurer is out for loot, maybe add some nice drops on overlords and such, maybe like the equipment that they would be wearing. For example, when you kill the Forest Giant leader on Dregar, you could take his flaming axe or his belt of strength or whatever.
EDIT: It just occured to me that this would make people want to farm the leaders to get the items for pawn or for friends, so maybe only once every two or three hours would there be a special item on the corpse.

Just an idea
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Guardian 452

Re: Drop Items
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2012, 07:52:14 pm »
We have a system with chests at the end of some locations... like the red light cave. The issue with those systems is what you came to realize, campers will farm said items. Then add not having an "attune item" system and unless items get pawned they last forever. Thus their demand will be in a constant decline to a point that no one will need / want it. Kinda like we have now.


Re: Drop Items
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2012, 11:45:04 pm »
Maybe there would be a way to make some of the drops there more randomized, like a chance of either electric or fire or no elemental, and a chance of 2, 1d4, and 1d6 damage on those damages, so they would be more random and not be mass amounts of those items?


Re: Drop Items
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2012, 12:28:10 am »
There is. It could be done.  Nothing like that exists at the moment, but it could be done.

The problem would come in if such an item were ever put on an ox, as it would erase all variable properties, rendering it just a generic, non-special item. It's just how NWN works.

Guardian's point though is an important one. Anything low-to-mid-level will get farmed. Even some of the higher level stuff will also.

We do have some of the epic bosses dropping specific items. These remain pretty rare because of their difficulty and the difficulty in getting to them in the first place.

A good number of the bosses are also configured with a special XP system that rewards grouping. The more people in the party that kills the boss, the more XP is handed out (up to a limit, of course).


Re: Drop Items
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2012, 12:52:21 am »
Maybe there would be a different spawn for a certain level group that would have the spawn with the item, so that the difficulty of getting the item is high for the people who can get the correct spawn to get the item. Therefor, if someone tried farming the item with a higher level character to get easy gold, they would not get any special item so the number of them in circulation would remain lower.


Re: Drop Items
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2012, 08:25:49 am »
That would require a whole new spawning system for boss creatures for that to work.  NWN's most basic and simple mechanics don't allow what you're suggesting, and also they can be fooled depending on the make-up of the party.

As information... presently, loot on a creature is generated when it spawns, so anything on a boss creature is either statically designed to be on that creature or is randomly generated from the loot tables. Also, boss creatures are "placed" rather than triggered, meaning they don't spawn based on character or party level but are always present (unless killed and within the respawn timer interval).


Re: Drop Items
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2012, 12:26:31 pm »
Ok then


Re: Drop Items
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2012, 10:53:09 pm »
Hm, some how I'm reminded of a scavenger I once had but abandoned rather abruptly... thinking one of the reasons being that there wasn't really anything to scavenge from anywhere well... aside from designated CNR sites... though thats kinda more harvesting then scavenging.

An suggestion this thread has brought to my mind is... instead of having humanoid creatures (Orcs, goblins bandits ect.) dropping weapons and armor. Why not drop the CNR of of it instead? As in there armor/weapon broke in the fight and is now left as random pieces... much like the ones bought craft supply merchants. plate chest piece, leather straps, coth, long blade, short blade, axe head, metal/wooden rods, bow strings. Drops being from those with the same type of equipment. Swords braking into blades, axes into axe heads and rods, plate armor breaking into chest piece, leather into straps ect.

Maybe even have it a bit level based aswell. Stronger enemies dropping armor/weapon pieces made of higher quality material.

Guardian 452

Re: Drop Items
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2012, 11:00:06 pm »
We dont craft in this manor... well not with all tradeskills anyway. You dont make a blade, hilt and pommel and put them all together. You place 5 ingots of metal on the forge and a large mold. Then it makes a longsword if you beat the d20.

WE DO already have Ingots, raw ore, wood, bow strings, short bow staves, longbow staves and several other crafting components in the drop tables. You would be hard pressed to be a crafter off just these drops due to the infrequency in which they drop.


Re: Drop Items
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2012, 11:04:03 pm »
ah well... hm... so much for my wastlander thoughts of scavenging and crafting. :D  oh well.

