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Author Topic: Announcements Thread?  (Read 287 times)


Announcements Thread?
« on: October 20, 2012, 06:05:20 pm »
When I look at all the forums, in the NWN Persistant Server section, what stands out to me is the lack of any kind of announcements or upcoming-rp thread.  There are several for specific groups - people's inns or taverns or for ongoing long-running quests.  But what about upcoming quests/rp-events/festivals, etc?

Certainly some RP-events or upcoming quests can be unannounced and show up by surprise.  But for others it might be desirable to announce them in a vague way (Try to be at the silver buckle friday evening, prepare for an evening of strangeness...) or boldly with specific details, such as for festivals or tournaments that everyone knows are coming.

If there already is such a thread somewhere, I suppose I'm curious why its not at the main level, where its easy to find?


Re: Announcements Thread?
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2012, 08:18:01 pm »
We tend to simply keep an eye out on the Calender for quests both player and GM organised. Sometimes there will be build up located in the Rumor Has It thread to get people to pay attention. Check those regularely :)

