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Author Topic: Background Feats  (Read 99 times)


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Background Feats
« on: November 27, 2005, 05:28:00 pm »
What about adding Layo-specific background feats?  The kind that you can only take at level 1 that represent something from before your adventuring days.  I imagine it wouldn't be that hard to add them to the rest script to apply the bonuses to the creature skin.  


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RE: Background Feats
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2005, 02:03:00 am »
There are a number of feats in the originasl that have to do with that world specifically. I agree that there should be feats that can be only taken at first level specifically for the world of Layonara. It is almost a stand alone world.


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RE: Background Feats
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2005, 08:22:00 am »
I was thinking of something like the following which can only be taken at level 1:

Pranzian Soldier-
Time spent in a formal military prior to your adventuring days has gives a +2 to discipline checks and +1 to will due to your training.  

Gained Freedom-
At some point you overcame your captors to gain your freedom from captivity or slavery.  You gain a +1 to Will saves and a +2 to resist the effects of Charm Person or Dominate Person.

Voltrex Born-
You were born on the isle of Voltrex.  Life among the high-born elves has given you a +2 bonus to Lore and +1 bonus to spot checks.


RE: Background Feats
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2005, 11:46:00 am »
I think that's a really nifty idea, Psychic.


RE: Background Feats
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2005, 12:15:00 pm »
I agree, those sound pretty cool.