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Author Topic: Half-giant related request  (Read 171 times)


Half-giant related request
« on: July 25, 2005, 08:44:00 am »
In my opinion it would really be nice if half-giants had some equipment that could be customized besides their weapons. As it is right now all of them/us look similar which is a bit of a shame. Even a shield would do…

I don’t know if it is can be done within a reasonable amount of time or if it is possible at all, but it was just something I would like to see myself.



RE: Half-giant related request
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2005, 08:51:00 am »
I agree but that would mean they would need to be dynamic and to do that it would take a few talented modelers...If the community has a released one of quality we can look in to it but I don't recall seeing any dynamic giant hak paks out there.