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Author Topic: stardust proposition  (Read 129 times)


stardust proposition
« on: October 07, 2006, 06:59:33 am »
I havent looked so i'm not sure if this topic already was talked about,but here it goes.
While playing the last few weeks , i noticed that everyone is using the dusts that they feel like using regardless of the Deity the dust represents.
With this i mean that Mistites use Rofirein dust and visa versa.( being a Rofireinite myself this is the simplest example)
I was wondering if it is possible to restrict the dusts in some way,thinking of a system that would allow allied and friendly Deity's dust to be used but unfriendly and enemy dusts for your Deity not to be used .
Not sure if i'm making sence with this ,but i think that it is weird to use dust from an unfriendly or even enemy god with your character.(leaving the nuetral gods out of this for now since i think that is a decision your char has to made)
Any idears on this from others ? or does everyone think that this should be played out in a rp way only ?
If so ,what would be a proper responce if one of your faith uses the dust of an enemy god ?

Thanks for the reading and i hope that someone can help in any way .



Re: stardust proposition
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2006, 07:06:42 am »
*nods* Yeah I hear what you are saying and understand. We could indeed do this, just not sure if we should with the ton of things on our plate. In RP sense you are defininetly correct though...those that are not using them 'properly' really are not RP'ing too well....with that said...we can't be RP police as we have way too much happening.

Star dusts are directly from the representation of a deity but characters in the world may not know that at all (fighters, commoners, etc....however it is whispered and rumored on the world so chances are they would know it). Those that do know it if they were RP'ing would probably not use enemies startdusts (just like they wouldn't use items of an enemy deity).

Just one of those fine lines really. If we get time we can put this in to the spell system (turn it in to a spell/item system), just not sure if we will get that time.

Good thinking.

Pen N Popper

RE: stardust proposition
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2006, 08:34:29 am »
Perhaps the town criers could be used to hint at the GM team's thoughts on this and other topics:
  "They say a cleric of Mist drowned not long ago. When they found her, she had seven pouches of Toran's stardust in her bag. A coincidence?"


Re: stardust proposition
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2006, 08:54:44 am »
Good thinking. I like that line. :)

Guardian 452

Re: stardust proposition
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2006, 09:10:31 am »
what about alignment restrictions to the bags?  that would stop some (not all) from using bags that they shouldnt in an RP scenario.... maybe?



Re: stardust proposition
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2006, 09:59:52 am »
True enough there G.


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Re: stardust proposition
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2006, 10:04:10 am »
Consider if you will, the potential that a Corathite may deliberately use stardust of a goodly deity such as Toran, as the idea of warping that stardust to one's own Corathite leanings would probably be very amusing to such a person.  Such as: *a mocking laugh* "Thank you, Toran, for providing this deathward while I show this bodak who its true masters are..." *a much more sincere tone* "and thank you, Lord Corath for guiding this dust into my hands that I do your will."  A follower of Kithairien may be glad to use all the tools he or she can in survival and the hunt, including disregarding where the dusts came from, perhaps even taking pride in breaking the original intent of the god corresponding to the constellation it came from.  Even those lawful followers of a deity may consider the same idea, "All stardust found by an enemy deity must be used so they do not fall into the hands of the wretched followers of ."  I don't think we need alignment restrictions.  It's a question of RP, and whether your character takes all non-affiliated dusts and donates them to their temple to be disposed of safely, or whether they justify their use through one of the means I've said above.  It's not a question of mechanics.


Re: stardust proposition
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2006, 10:23:02 am »
Rayenoir - 10/7/2006  7:04 PM  Even those lawful followers of a deity may consider the same idea, "All stardust found by an enemy deity must be used so they do not fall into the hands of the wretched followers of ."
 Donate them so the temple can... erh... "take care of the evil dusts"... ;)


Re: stardust proposition
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2006, 10:33:37 am »
Rayenoir - 10/7/2006  7:04 PM  Consider if you will, the potential that a Corathite may deliberately use stardust of a goodly deity such as Toran, as the idea of warping that stardust to one's own Corathite leanings would probably be very amusing to such a person.  Such as: *a mocking laugh* "Thank you, Toran, for providing this deathward while I show this bodak who its true masters are..." *a much more sincere tone* "and thank you, Lord Corath for guiding this dust into my hands that I do your will."  A follower of Kithairien may be glad to use all the tools he or she can in survival and the hunt, including disregarding where the dusts came from, perhaps even taking pride in breaking the original intent of the god corresponding to the constellation it came from.  Even those lawful followers of a deity may consider the same idea, "All stardust found by an enemy deity must be used so they do not fall into the hands of the wretched followers of ."  I don't think we need alignment restrictions.  It's a question of RP, and whether your character takes all non-affiliated dusts and donates them to their temple to be disposed of safely, or whether they justify their use through one of the means I've said above.  It's not a question of mechanics.
 I find it hard to believe that the Deity's havent thought of that and did something to prevent that from happening. Do you realy think that Toran wouldnt put a restriction on those that can use the dust that he lets pour down? I sooner would suspect that if a follower of an enemy god uses the dust it would make the follower more effected by the thing it should protect against :p


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Re: stardust proposition
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2006, 11:14:58 am »
It really depends upon just how intentional the raining down of stardust is.  It seemed to me to be a rather passive thing, these dusts just happen to have these effects after landing on the face of the land, rather than their being an active move by deities to grant presents to those who follow.

That, and even if Toran does, I don't believe that all deities would.  Why, for example, would Xeen actively take the time to put a metaphysical restriction on who can use this enchanting dust and who can't?  She seems to have much more interesting things to do.  Why would Corath restrict the use of a dust that produces more raw materials to make soldiers and spreads misery?  So then you get into the complexities of deity interaction and motivation, and it just seems to be putting too much work into something that should be handled through personal RP and was intended just as a neat single-use item to find on occasion.


RE: stardust proposition
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2006, 04:44:19 pm »

Totally agree with Rayenoir.

In the end, it just taps in the weave. And stating that it should be restricted to alignments or certain believers, would make it much more complex.

An Aeridinite donating stardust of one of the more warmongering gods to Aeridinite would do a good thing.

And if a char thinks he can bend an enemy's gods stardust from his design, he should be free to do so. Might lead to some good rp.


Re: stardust proposition
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2006, 04:53:41 pm »
Rayenoir, you are definetly right on with the raining down of stardust and not not being intentional...thus should have no restrictions on the stardust itself...very good point on that insight.

I do think that the RP should take in to account the dust of the deities though and their uses...common sense I suppose would be the call of the day. The problem with 'common sense' calls though is that some people just come up with anything and everything to justify things--sure many do the RP properly but quite often it is not RP'd well and people use it just because it is the most useful/powerful for combat at a given time.

Talan Va'lash

Re: stardust proposition
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2006, 03:55:25 am »
This was a good discussion *nods* it made me think of some things that I hadn't thought of about the stardusts and rp of them.

Makes me want to make a completely unaligned character who prays to whoever he thinks is most useful for what he's trying to do at hte moment, and then prays to a few others just to hedge his bets hehe


Re: stardust proposition
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2006, 11:10:35 pm »
Well an other idea i didnt see here is that if you use a stardust that is not in your alingment you coud get the benefit of that star dust but with a inconvenience, say loss of some abilities for some time, loss of HP or things like that.  Like this, it is still the choice of someone to use it but would have to face the concequences of doing so.