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Author Topic: House to House Teleporting  (Read 96 times)


House to House Teleporting
« on: January 19, 2006, 03:55:35 pm »
Maybe this would be excessive, but...  

How about letting individuals with housing access in multiple areas to teleport between houses.  The tag I was imagining you might use is the house key?  i.e. When you step into the teleport portal the game engine looks at what keys you hold and then offers you the standard west, central, and east destination and then adds additional destinations based on the housing keys you hold.  So if you have a house with a teleporter in fort hope and another in pranzis it will ask if you want to go to one of them.


Re: House to House Teleporting
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2006, 03:58:48 pm »
Sorry, this will not be happening.

D Blaze

Re: House to House Teleporting
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2006, 09:39:11 pm »
That would be rather funny in some instances though.
*A halfling pops out of a house portal next to a person*
Excuse me, is this 147 Leilon?
On Mistone? No, this is 146 Haft Lake, on Dregar
*The halfling shrugs* Eh 146...147, close've got a nice home here, really spiffy.....wouldn't mind if I pop into your kitchen would you, all this portalling really builds up an appetite.
Get out of my house!!!
*the halfling looks indignant* Is that any way to speak to a houseguest, certainly not. Just for that, I won't give you some of the great decorating tips i've already thought up that could really spruce up the place. Now be a good host and fetch me that snack I asked wouldn't happen to have any pie, would you?
*a moment later, the halfling is thrown out the front door and it slams shut promptly after*
*the halfling calls back* What did I ever do to you to deserve this kind of treatment?!?