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Author Topic: Books disappearing in the Great Library  (Read 245 times)


Books disappearing in the Great Library
« on: December 05, 2010, 01:03:47 am »
Description: The books scattered across the area were disappearing like normal items.

Location: The Great Library, Sadinia, Voltrex

I'm not sure where to post this since its not really a bug but perhaps the books can be placed into actual bookshelves so that they won't suddenly disappear? I wanted to read this book but I decided to scan a few more interesting books, but when I returned... It was gone. :(


Re: Books disappearing in the Great Library
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2010, 02:26:35 am »
Moved to Suggestions.


Re: Books disappearing in the Great Library
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2010, 02:53:28 am »
Right, a suggestion. Thanks DM Dorg!

I'm not really knowledgeable on how these areas are made, but perhaps if the great library was reduced in size and filled with a decent number of bookshelves, that might be a better use of space. It will also allow the books to last a little longer.

Maybe the books can be categorized as well? A section for the gods, the various kingdoms, the various races, the history of Layonara, etc.

Books can be duplicated and scattered across the library so that multiple people can read the books at the same time without having to wait. Maybe a new series of books can be placed there to acknowledge the new events.

I just find in game books to be interesting and more would be greatly appreciated, maybe we can contribute stories that can be written in game? Not that many people travel to the Great Library and maybe more might decide to go if there were more books to read. Just my two cents. (All of that just came from a player with only a Dark Elf for a character. Wow.) :)


Re: Books disappearing in the Great Library
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2010, 11:09:15 am »
The Great Library will probably not be reduced in size's Great!  See also: massive, immense, superlative, etc. It's probably actually several times larger than what is represented in game, but the sense of size is kind of important.

As for the rest, yeah, it's been something of a standing issue with the books and their removal between people taking them and the normal behavior of the clean-up script.  They also sorely need to be updated for lore accuracy.  So yeah, it's been one of those things that comes up in my mind now and again, but the priority has always been low.

Anyway, just framing the topic a little.  Thanks for the suggestion!


Re: Books disappearing in the Great Library
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2010, 11:19:41 am »
Yeah, I suppose reducing the size won't give justice to the name. But hey, that means we can still add MORE books! Thank you for your time. :D


Re: Books disappearing in the Great Library
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2010, 01:55:02 pm »
If a player wanted to add works to the Library they need only to take the initiative to write something up and send it for approval.  Who to send it too?  Well Ed is a very busy man, so myself or someone on the writing team could repost the material in the writers forum.
 Like most things its about taking the intiative to do it.  Getting it into game once the story/lore is reviewed is not all that difficult. (but dependant on updates)
 I would also caution you to remember books are very, very, very precious.  How so?  Paper on layo is all hand made as is the more common durable writing materials of vellum and parchment.  Scrolls, carvings, and paintings would also be stored and collected by the Library.

