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Author Topic: Incorporated New Hak? / Override Test?  (Read 114 times)


Incorporated New Hak? / Override Test?
« on: October 05, 2009, 10:38:14 pm »

Donno if anyone saw my post but when I went IG and tried to test it (with the help of our DM Troll King :) ) nothing worked...

I had tested it in the Single Player Module and everything was fine, but nothing seemed to work when we tried to change the colors on the server.  I was wondering why it wasn't working...

So I was going to suggest if the Hakpak could be implemented into Layonara.  I donno what would be involved, or if the content creator would need to be contacted, but I think it could make a nice visual enhancement to Layo (albiet one you need to zoom in for).  So there you have it.

I hope that someone other then me will try to see if this works on their PC somehow.  But it kinda stunk that it didn't work, especially since it's supposed to be an override.


Re: Incorporated New Hak? / Override Test?
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2009, 11:33:35 pm »
were you seeing it yourself and someone else wasn't? If so it's might be as simple as the other person also has to put the hacks and overwrite in their respected files.


Re: Incorporated New Hak? / Override Test?
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2009, 11:40:22 pm »
No, I wasn't seeing it.  I donno if anyone can/could see it since I'm the only one I know who has the override.

Script Wrecked

Re: Incorporated New Hak? / Override Test?
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2009, 12:04:57 am »
Hakpacks have a higher priority than the Override folder.

Given its age, the "Single Player Module" may use different Hakpacks to West and Central. I suggest building a test module as per these directions (remember to add the TLK).


Script Wrecked.


Re: Incorporated New Hak? / Override Test?
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2009, 12:05:21 am »
they would need to have the hack and overwrite. I'm pretty sure you did, but still worth asking. Did you put the hack in the hack folder? When I read the nwnvault page, there was two files that came with it. the DTH_plt_pack goes into the hack folders, as the other one in the overwrite.


Re: Incorporated New Hak? / Override Test?
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2009, 12:18:27 am »
I've put everything where it is supposed to go, and tested it in Single player.  When I logged into Layonara, it didn't work, and I tried with two different PCs.

