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Author Topic: Keppli and Rocky change the world!  (Read 628 times)


Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« on: February 25, 2010, 01:22:39 pm »
Keppli  " So then, what are we going to do tonight Rocky?"
Rocky  " The same thing we do every night. Try to take over the world!"

Really good ideas for layonara. Please add your own.

1. As per DnD can we have large dogs for brownies,gnomes and halflings to ride.
2. Can we have cast off chests in Hemp and Vehl so that higher characters can leave their disguarded clothes ( the non magical or armour ones) for the newbies to wear. come on tailors, make something nice for the poor folk starting out.
3.Ability to change the names on items.
4.A stable in every town please. No more ox littering the streets.
5. an additional option on the door commands allowing folk to leave messages in game when folk are out.
6. A boat or two on lakes with clickable access for fishing.
7. carts for horses?
8.More gelatinous cubes in dungeon corridors. I miss them!
9.Minor curses or disease on random looted items. give them clerics something to do.
10.various really useless items. ie lootable broken sword
11. Smiths in towns who can fix broken swords for you.
12.An area of dopplegangers so you fight yorself if nobody else is on.
13.Ability to purchase items for rp like books, umbrellas etc
14.Purchasable warm socks/boots for those snow trips. 150 true
15.Random minor attacks, say 1 in 10 at safe campsites. we'd suggest minor irritations like small spiders, rats, bear, wolf or the off halfling child who will steal 10 true if you fail your reflex save.
16.Random rats breeding in unused houses.
17. the abilityto buy cats.
18. A nice graveyard outside hemp where you can purchase a stone for those permed characters.

Add your own, its fun!  Come on now dont be shy.

Regards Rockhead Howling Wolf and Keppli Clever Clogs Quickhands ( i aint telling which are hers loike!)


Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2010, 01:35:12 pm »
A dance script for characters who like to boogie.

Post boxes for letters to be dropped in.

New newspapers, or at least a coat for the paperboy (I call him Jimmy and give him gold sometimes).  the kid's out in the elements all day trying to sell a paper from decades ago...can't he at least be warm?

Re: 12.An area of dopplegangers so you fight yorself if nobody else is on.

How bout a magic mirror in the Arena in Vehl where you can summon your apparition?

Re: 4.A stable in every town please. No more ox littering the streets.

Shiff and Andrew were shoveling ox poo out of the Hempstead craft hall yesterday.  thanks to whomever let their ox drop a week's worth of grass and hay onto the floor.  Delia will have your ears on a necklace if she catches you.


Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2010, 01:46:05 pm »
2. Can we have cast off chests in Hemp and Vehl so that higher characters can leave their disguarded clothes ( the non magical or armour ones) for the newbies to wear. come on tailors, make something nice for the poor folk starting out.

Use the quest chests! It can definitely be a pain to make interesting looking outfits, but there is a perfect system already in place for anyone who'd like to do this.

9.Minor curses or disease on random looted items. give them clerics something to do.

*grins* We used to have DM who made a habit of putting nasty traps/curses etc on corpses if people tried to loot them on quests... I like this idea, although it could quickly become more annoying than fun, depending on how it was implemented.


15.Random minor attacks, say 1 in 10 at safe campsites. we'd suggest minor irritations like small spiders, rats, bear, wolf or the off halfling child who will steal 10 true if you fail your reflex save.

I think this runs into problems, especially in you have low level characters who leave to take a phone call or something, and then return to find they've lost an SS to a rat...


18. A nice graveyard outside hemp where you can purchase a stone for those permed characters.

Well, there are several whole threads about this... and there is the hall of heroes...


Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2010, 01:46:11 pm »
While I appreciate the enthusiasm, and don't want to be seen as a wet blanket, a few thoughts on the existing ideas:
  • This has been suggested before.  The same problems apply.  If you want to make the models, by all means, do so!
  • "Cast-off chests" would either have to be policed or scripted to make sure they wouldn't be abused, and would be another (admittedly small) source of lag, in the same way that items left on crafting stations lag area loads.  That being said, I can see how this could be implemented if enough people thought it was a good idea.
  • Weapons can already be named by Fighters, Duelists, Paladins and Weapon Masters.  Boxes can be renamed by anyone.  Placeable items in houses can be renamed by their owners.  General renaming would likely screw up a number of scripts, and would also be a means of ripping off other players if abused; after all, a Hickory log looks exactly the same as a Mahogany log.
  • This one falls afoul of the size of the module.  More areas != a good thing.  This is why additional housing has not been added - the Team feels that a dozen new adventuring areas are more in the interest of the community than a dozen new barns.
  • Do-able, but time-consuming to write the script.  I encourage you or anyone else who has the time to prototype such a system, though! :)
  • Again, do-able, though I don't know too many lakes with enough room (in-game) for a boat.
  • This is the same as with the mounts; no model, so can't be readily done.  If you want to make the model, things might be different.  (There's a way of doing it with heartbeats and shifting a placeable, but it causes MASSIVE lag, even in a SPM.)
  • No problems with that in my mind.
  • Unfortunately, while I'm fully in support of this, it requires a LOT of scripting work.  Certainly possible, but it would take a long time, and might have detrimental effects, lag-wise.
  • Already got 'em.  Discarded Pitchfork, Stone Cutting Knife, Rusty Armour, Torn Hide Armour....
  • We already drop so many non-broken items, I'd be inclined to think that most adventurers would just toss the broken sword in the trash and pull another one out of the umbrella stand near the door.
  • If you mean "doppelgangers" in the sense of "duplicates of the player"... this is both difficult to do, programmatically in NWN, and, consequently, prone to lag.  (Trust me, done it in a SP module.  Cursed mirror.)
  • Already can do this too.  Go to any of the guilds, or any bard, and they can make you up a set of chimes that can be customized in that fashion.
  • If these are meant to combat the effects of exposure in cold weather areas, and then be "used up"... that's more or less what fires are for.   If it's just for RP... I don't see any problem with that either.
  • The halfling child isn't bad, but any of the others might be able to kill a low-level or unattended character.  Safe campsites are supposed to be just that; safe.  A place where you can set AFK status and not worry about your character getting savaged by a wolf.
  • Unused player housing?  Owned but not used, you mean, or available for sale?
  • I actually like this idea if it's to the end of having a housecat in the home - a "cat" deed, that is.  I can even think of how to implement this, if there's interest.
  • We already have the Hall of Heroes where a number of permed characters have plaques.

All good thoughts - but it's always easier on us if you consider the developmental implications behind suggestions, so we don't have to constantly say... well, what I've said above. :)

Poking through the Suggestions forum will usually turn up a lot of people asking for similar things in the past - if the reason it was turned down back then is no longer valid, by all means, advance it again!  If it is still valid, however (for example, the number of module areas)... it's not likely to happen, and then we have to disappoint you. :(


Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2010, 02:08:43 pm »
Quote from: Zoogmunch
5. an additional option on the door commands allowing folk to leave messages in game when folk are out.

It's there at least when you look at the door, there is a note that there is no message left on the door. So partly there seems to be the vestige of a system to leave messages or something?

Quote from: darkstorme

I  actually like this idea if it's to the end of having a housecat in the  home - a "cat" deed, that is.  I can even think of how to implement  this, if there's interest.

Cats, dog would be nice indeed. There is already a dog in the orc basher shop that moves around, maybe a copy of the script could be applied to the deed that once it's sett he dog or cat can roam the house?


Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2010, 02:18:05 pm »
Quote from: RollinsCat

Shiff and Andrew were shoveling ox poo out of the Hempstead craft hall yesterday.  thanks to whomever let their ox drop a week's worth of grass and hay onto the floor.  Delia will have your ears on a necklace if she catches you.

that had already been cleaned but the gm didn't take it out.


Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2010, 02:20:11 pm »
Quote from: RollinsCat
New newspapers, or at least a coat for the paperboy (I call him Jimmy and give him gold sometimes).  the kid's out in the elements all day trying to sell a paper from decades ago...can't he at least be warm?

Port Hempstead is just south of the equator.  Dapplegreen is approximately the same latitude, and the Stormcrest Shack is somewhere nearish Dapplegreen.  How cold can the paperboy be?  hehe


Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2010, 02:24:04 pm »
*coughs* well I -have- seen it snow there.  

How bout we chip in for a lunch basket for him? kids's got to be hungry.


Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2010, 04:12:42 pm »
Teach him to fish instead, so provide him with a shovel and a fishing pole.


Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2010, 04:31:49 pm »
Andrew, he could be selling your poems or scurrilous rumors.  I don't quite remember how, but the system was set up for it.


Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2010, 05:28:43 pm »
Quote from: Hellblazer
It's there at least when you look at the door, there is a note that there is no message left on the door. So partly there seems to be the vestige of a system to leave messages or something?

Actually, I'm pretty sure it's actually the vestiges of a system by which the game would regularly charge property taxes or insurance premiums or tell you about the state of repair of your house and such.  Clearly these are things we do not use, though I think there was intent.


Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2010, 04:47:36 am »
  • Unused player housing?  Owned but not used, you mean, or available for sale?
  • I actually like this idea if it's to the end of having a housecat in the home - a "cat" deed, that is.  I can even think of how to implement this, if there's interest.

We meant that it could be for players who own the house, but haven't visited the house in-game for awhile (say a couple of months). When they do go back in it might make a nice touch to have a few rats scampering around... anything that might add a touch of realism. Thats where I also thought about the housecat deed idea. (sort of like Farkas who walks around the Orc Basher) and with the cat around the rats dont appear as often or not at all.
I would think that players who have houses would be high enough level not to get killed by them, heh, but just be a general annoyance.

14# If these are meant to combat the effects of exposure in cold weather areas, and then be "used up"... that's more or less what fires are for. If it's just for RP... I don't see any problem with that either.

It was just meant for RP purposes really.

# Already got 'em. Discarded Pitchfork, Stone Cutting Knife, Rusty Armour, Torn Hide Armour....

We see what you're saying... but those are all weapons in their own form with just minuses to attack rolls. You can still get them out and bash things. We were thinking more along the lines of loot in that everything you find is always intact. So it might be nice once in awhile to find a 'broken' version of something, i.e. A broken copper longsword. You cant equip it as its in two pieces from whatever hardships its been through but that led on to another idea, say a NPC blacksmith in the smithies who will fix some items for a certain fee.

We already drop so many non-broken items, I'd be inclined to think that most adventurers would just toss the broken sword in the trash and pull another one out of the umbrella stand near the door.

I wouldnt have thought so if the said 'fee' to fix a broken sword was less than the price of the actual sword.

And yes.. we miss Gelatinous Cubes. :) They're great in tight corridors


Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2010, 09:42:06 am »
Quote from: Kenderfriend
We see what you're saying... but those are all weapons in their own form with just minuses to attack rolls. You can still get them out and bash things. We were thinking more along the lines of loot in that everything you find is always intact. So it might be nice once in awhile to find a 'broken' version of something, i.e. A broken copper longsword. You cant equip it as its in two pieces from whatever hardships its been through but that led on to another idea, say a NPC blacksmith in the smithies who will fix some items for a certain fee.

I wouldnt have thought so if the said 'fee' to fix a broken sword was less than the price of the actual sword.

While not the exact thing being requested, there was this most recent discussion on item breakage and repair. What you're suggesting is a cool idea, but it's really not going to happen in NWN Layonara any more than a breakage system is going to happen. The constraints of NWN would make it too cumbersome and would require new resources just to support them.


Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2010, 09:49:18 am »
Quote from: RollinsCat
A dance script for characters who like to boogie.

Post boxes for letters to be dropped in.

New newspapers, or at least a coat for the paperboy (I call him Jimmy and give him gold sometimes).  the kid's out in the elements all day trying to sell a paper from decades ago...can't he at least be warm?

Re: 12.An area of dopplegangers so you fight yorself if nobody else is on.

How bout a magic mirror in the Arena in Vehl where you can summon your apparition?

Re: 4.A stable in every town please. No more ox littering the streets.

Shiff and Andrew were shoveling ox poo out of the Hempstead craft hall yesterday.  thanks to whomever let their ox drop a week's worth of grass and hay onto the floor.  Delia will have your ears on a necklace if she catches you.


Sorry about that guys.. I completely lost BodyBag and had been hunting for him for days s and then walked into the craft hall and there he was! I even asked people if they'd seen bodybag somewhere around hempstead and no one had. I knew he was in that area somewhere and I'm to cheap to pay for a tracker :)



Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2010, 10:09:19 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
While not the exact thing being requested, there was this most recent discussion on item breakage and repair. What you're suggesting is a cool idea, but it's really not going to happen in NWN Layonara any more than a breakage system is going to happen. The constraints of NWN would make it too cumbersome and would require new resources just to support them.

Thanks for the replies Dorg :) They are just some thoughts anyway.


Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2010, 01:25:34 pm »
Quote from: Kenderfriend
We see what you're saying... but those are all weapons in their own form with just minuses to attack rolls. You can still get them out and bash things. We were thinking more along the lines of loot in that everything you find is always intact. So it might be nice once in awhile to find a 'broken' version of something, i.e. A broken copper longsword. You cant equip it as its in two pieces from whatever hardships its been through but that led on to another idea, say a NPC blacksmith in the smithies who will fix some items for a certain fee.

I wouldnt have thought so if the said 'fee' to fix a broken sword was less than the price of the actual sword.

What Dorg said, above... and also, my own thoughts on the matter, independent of NWN implementation constraints:
  • Because we don't have an item breakage system, anyone finding a weapon in a drop will already have a weapon - and if the broken weapon is copper, I can't imagine anyone paying anything to repair it.  If it's not copper, maybe... but again, we run up against what Dorg said above.
  • A broken weapon is still a weapon; a dented shield can still protect its bearer from blows, a broken longsword is a jagged dagger.  Granted, they're not as GOOD as their unbroken forms, and somewhat makeshift -but that's where the penalty comes in.  So you could readily RP that (for example) a Stone Cutting Knife was the snapped-off remnants of a longsword that a goblin was using as a dagger.


And yes.. we miss Gelatinous Cubes. :) They're great in tight corridors

What we really need are Gelatinous Cubes which are actively invisible in corridors, and don't use ranged attacks. *grins wickedly*