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Author Topic: Infusing update.  (Read 112 times)


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    Infusing update.
    « on: September 06, 2005, 04:14:00 am »
    I am starting infusing...Am I am just have an idea.
    Say I infused a gem of light, It can only be used once then is wasted. What if you could infuse the gem into a ring, weapon or armor etc? Maybe then the spell could be used once per day.

    Also, it says it needs 3 spells of light, what about have scrolls of light as well, so further trading can be encouraged...

    What are everyone else's view?

    Tedulas Darkhand.

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: Infusing update.
    « Reply #1 on: September 06, 2005, 04:54:00 am »
    Infused gems aren't really designed to be used as 1 use items.  I mean.. well, they are, and you can use them like that, but they're better used to make a wand which uses 4 infused gems and has 10-20 uses depending on the spell.

    Setting a gem of light into a ring would be allright, but there's not going to be a system that allows all infused gems to be set into a ring and become 1/day items.  Light would be fine since it has 0 impact in the game.  But going from a single use item to a 1/day is huge.

    Also, "ring, weapon or armor etc." Even if you only used the spell light, and made a recepie to set a gem of light in every ring, weapon or armor, That would add like... 800 new CNR recepies and items in the palette.  I realize I'm taking you far too literally, but I'm just making a point.  You can hire someone to cast continual light (or cast it yourself, or use a scroll) or put a damage resist/enchantment on an item that will add light of various colors to it.  I'm thinking those options are good enough.

    Oh, and you can't use scrolls to fufill a crafting recepie's requirement, I've tried :P



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      RE: Infusing update.
      « Reply #2 on: September 06, 2005, 07:20:00 am »
      Ok - Thankyou for your opinion...your right, too much hassle! Just a suggestion though. :)