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Author Topic: Leadership Feat  (Read 166 times)


Leadership Feat
« on: March 01, 2007, 05:37:57 am »
Hello, one more question? What abput the Leadership feat? I really think that it is on mood with Layo. Not everyone will get it, of course, but I really think that a great warrior, paladin or cleric of Layo would have a loyal cohort by his side. I also can see the RP aplications of a cohort, like the players speaking for the two "*The paladin nods* Heh, he is just somewhat shy, arern't you Drya? *The female cleric of the same god as him just shakes her head shy and step back, letting the adventurers speak*" and this kind of thing. The PRC brings a cool Leadership feat, after all, too.

