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Author Topic: Map Book & Journal Book  (Read 211 times)


Map Book & Journal Book
« on: May 11, 2005, 11:20:00 am »
Just two possible ideas for Layonara. Do not know if it is possible and if they are any good.

Map Book
- How about a map book that can be carried in the backpack in which travelled areas can be documented and notes made having paper next to the keyboard to remember everything

Journal Book
- How about a journal book that can be carried in the backpack in which one can document your adventures, or make notes etc. The journal feature is very limited....cannot create new topics or chapters and is very hard to reference information

Take this from someone who is very inexperienced in the world, so if they are bad ideas please ignore.



RE: Map Book & Journal Book
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2005, 11:27:00 am »
Yeah...they're called notebooks.   ;)

Pencil and paper...low-tech, yes...but no less effective.

Actually, the game has a built-in journal where you can type in your own entries in addition to the quests and tasks the game adds in for you.

As for maps...well, you're better off drawing those on your own or looking at the world maps here:

Keep in mind, these maps show places that don't physically exist in-game, and don't give any detail to each individual area.


RE: Map Book & Journal Book
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2005, 12:12:00 pm »
We tried to do a Map type thing a while ago but NWN does not allow for maps to be persistent, sadly.
  We tried to work around that limitation months ago but it was quickly abused and I made the decision to take it out.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Map Book & Journal Book
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2005, 12:25:00 pm »
There is a hak on the vault that uses a map inventory item to trigger the display of a 2d map TGA as a placeable for a certain duration.  I was playing with this a bit with the map I was drawing a while back, but, I haven't worked on the map much lately.

The way it gets displayed is kinda funky and unnatural looking, but its the only way I've seen thus far to have IG maps.

Heres the link to the hak if anyones interested:

Edit: Acctually, there was another way to have IG maps that I though up a while ago but its not the most idea method.  It involved several large custom inventory icons (3 2x3's in a row for example.)  Each icon was a portion of the map and when put together they displayed the map seamlessly.  They came with a "Map folder" (a container with the letter 2x2 icon or something) so they didnt take up your entire inventory.  They could be used for regional maps, city maps, or, even more fun, treasure maps, since they could be split into fragments.