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Author Topic: different dragon disciples  (Read 105 times)


different dragon disciples
« on: December 19, 2006, 11:26:13 am »
I have this idea that i thought of sharing.  We all know that there is the class Red Dragon Disciple in the game. but why stick with just that one? I know there aren't many dragons ingame but still It might be nice for rp if people are allowed to choice between more that just the Red Dragon Disciple. If it's posible why not create a Green Dragon disciple or a Blue Dragon Disciple. to allow characters to have a different breath weapon.
  With red dragons dicsiple you get a fire breath weapon. nice but Why not try a Green Dragon with there Acid breath weapon, if I'm correct.  this is just an idea and I have know idea if it is do-able.   I'll wait for your reply on this subject.  Greeting Silverdraco aka Sonya Darsus.
  PS. if you do are able to make this and get time to. I don't mind making the first character to test out the new class(es).


Re: different dragon disciples
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2006, 11:58:12 am »
You can just scroll down and read Dorg's response. It says the same thing but is much less wordy.

Oddly enough this suggestion seems to come up every few months. While it is indeed possible, the team thus far has not had time, or sufficient reason to make it a major priority. Not to mention to become the disciple of a dragon one must, pretty much become that dragon’s right claw.

In version three perhaps such an update will occur, but as I’m no representative of the team I cannot give you a yes or no.

That said while the idea might add further depth to Layonara, don’t hold your breath it will be a very long while if ever. The reason why this project has always been responded to with ‘there is to much on our plate’ or not responded to at all is as follows. Dragons by their very nature are powerful, rare, and very self centered even the good ones. Chromatic dragons take this a step further by being downright tyrants, and only the ‘Great Dragon Lords’ like Fisterion seem able to create disciples. A dragon of such magnitude is of course very hard to impress and wouldn’t ever take someone that it felt wouldn’t do exactly as it desired.
So your first hurtle would be to find and captivate the choice dragon and persuade it to believe that you have suddenly went irredeemably evil after years of being a hero. Not only that but that you want to serve its cause and further it. Which actually brings up the second problem, as there are rules about going ‘evil’ so to speak. Even in Version Three I have my doubts that the people in whatever town of ‘dark/evil’ will primarily have dungeons especially about doing the bad thing. As that is not what Layonara has ever been about, so you will still have trouble persuading said lizard that you wont be smashing its followers.

So with that duel challenge unfolding it seems less and less likely anyone can become the infamous chromatic dragon disciple. However also brought up in the subject would be metallic dragon disciples. The problem with this lays in that Bloodstone eradicated the metallic down to some hatchlings safely hidden far away (Check the timeline). So until there are metallic dragons to follow, which has its own set of suicide hoops, there is no point in expending man hours making an unusable class.

With an ECDQ already required, and a character with the mentality of the completely insane. Attaining the class is a feat beyond almost anyone. With the shockingly few number of powerful dragons and their natural dim view for adventurers that have been killing their servants for 20 levels. The objective of becoming an disciple becomes even more remote. With the final nail in the coffin coming from the complete lack of metallic dragons preventing the expansion of the other side of the coin.

While in Version Three, the expansion and addition of this class may occur, don’t hold your breath, there are all those problems listed above before the team exerts hours on it.

All this can be revoked by team member saying 'No its in v3 just wait'. However I don't think they would spoil the surprise.


RE: different dragon disciples
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2006, 11:58:59 am »
It's possible.
  Whether it's likely to happen or not is a question for Leanthar. He already restricts RDD pretty tightly. I doubt he would do any less for other dragon disciples.
  I will say it would be a lot of work and whether the effort that would go into it would be worth it or not is something we'd have to look at closely as we go forward.

