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Author Topic: Drinks and food stuff  (Read 203 times)


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Drinks and food stuff
« on: October 01, 2006, 01:13:49 am »
Okay, ive seen loves of bread that you use, and get a slice, Boar Roast, use and get a slice. How about Drinks, use and get a mug/cup/glass.

Grombrindal: "Hey dar Bjorn, ye wan some of dis her' *strong drink*?"
Bjrongar: "Aye! Ye better belive i doh!"
Grombrindal: *pours him a mug of strong drink, then himself* Bottems up wee laddy!

Grom and Bjorn happily share the bottle

Ooorr... okay ill just ask and not give example, have a bottle of wine produce a Wine Glass, id like that alot.

Edit: On a side not this might actually be IG and i just havent noticed yet, if it is, please escuse my incompatence ^_^


Re: Drinks and food stuff
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2006, 06:33:25 am »
Well, one "use" of a drink is representative of taking a few sips or a nice pull off of the bottle.

Better to just get two drinks and down 'em. What kind of dwarf are you? *Laughs.*


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Re: Drinks and food stuff
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2006, 01:09:51 pm »
well im thinking more for Mith in this, dwarves are just so much more entertaining so i used them in my little skit. Mith wants to sit down and have a drink with a friend or something, dosent want to pass a hole bottle back and forth. I know what the one Use reprsents, its the same with a Roast or a Loaf of bread, or Pie even. But they all get a slice when you use them, would be nice to get a glass or mug for ale and wine.


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Re: Drinks and food stuff
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2006, 01:11:34 pm »
Besides what kind of impression would that give a lady friend if he hands her a hole bottle to drink?


Re: Drinks and food stuff
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2006, 06:41:33 pm »
Well, it's likely that an adventurer travels with a knife suitable to cut a loaf of bread, or a roast.  But they'd likely not have anything more than a wooden or tin cup for drinking -if that, since it's just unnecessary load, most of the time.  Fine wine glasses wouldn't travel well.  Slices can be made from the items; glasses/mugs cannot be made from the bottles of the drink.  Unless you want some sort of fishing-rod-esque setup such that you have to have a mug you use the bottles on (which would require redesigning the bottles, and changing them to something other than potions), it makes very little sense.

Not that having fine crystal to craft wouldn't be a good thing - just very specialized, like the wedding dress clothing.  *grins*


Re: Drinks and food stuff
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2006, 06:50:49 pm »
And of course there is always *Pours the wine into the glass and takes a sip...*

Which is faster than clicking to refill your mug each time, anyway. :)

