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Author Topic: Grappling Hooks  (Read 99 times)


Grappling Hooks
« on: May 03, 2006, 07:54:49 am »
  This just came to me while watching someone try to get up a climb check. Is it possible to make an item that you can use for a touch attack, or something, on a climb check to be given the chance to get up a climb at a set DC? 10 seems pretty reasonable. Climbing a rope is just one step above a mundane action to anyone physically fit, in my opinion, as most adventuers are. It would give an alternative to people who carry a lot of things, are not very strong, or do not have the ability to fly or polymorph into something super-strong to get up a climb check.
  As a balancing factor, outside of the need for a touch attack and the climb check itself, I believe it would need either charges or a bit of weight added. Maybe 5.5 pounds, as it needs to be a heavy hook to be strong and latch onto things. Thanks. :)

