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Author Topic: Holy symbol or item  (Read 152 times)


Holy symbol or item
« on: March 15, 2006, 06:28:27 pm »
I was thiking while watching an NPC rez a character who's deity was not liked by the others.

What if when characters are created they get an item (holy symbol,coin,etc).
It has no real special abilites and cant be dropped.
The symbol is used when a cleric casts spells on someone.If they are of the same faith or friendly to that go they get full benifits of the spell.If they are neutral to the god then the spell only does half strength.If they are enemy to the god then the spell doesnt work on them.
A Godless character is considered neutral to the item.

Im not sure if this could be created but I figured I would suggest it.

ps: as to rez,raise since there is no such thing as half.
maybe a percental Roll to see if the spell worked or an XP deduction to the caster and the reciepiant.

Just an Idea.

Talan Va'lash

Re: Holy symbol or item
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2006, 06:46:59 pm »
Heh, been gone a while Force?  Read the death system and new version online a couple updates back.  It doesn't happen for all spells but a good number.


Re: Holy symbol or item
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2006, 08:55:20 pm »
Yeah but thats just a few spells.
Im talking all spells.

Talan Va'lash

Re: Holy symbol or item
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2006, 02:47:19 pm »
Maybe you could suggest how that could be done for other spells in a way that makes sense and isn't unbalanced.

the XP component required for raise and res are already modified by deity.

Bless, prayer, all those AoE buffing spells already don't work on enemies of the cleric caster

Force_of_Will_ - 3/15/2006  9:55 PM

Yeah but thats just a few spells.
Im talking all spells.



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Re: Holy symbol or item
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2006, 01:20:51 am »
I do belive that the sytem is restricted enough as it is. Layonara Is a world that is build to encourage people to go out and explore in parties. To team up and have fun together.

If this would be implemented It will just have the opposit effect wich I think would be a deterioration for the this server.

I can see the point off the system that we have now. Raise death xp penaltise and that bless and aid doesn't work on enemies to ones diety. But spells like Bulls strenght, GMV, Magic vestment and so on, is realy not spells that is granted from the clerics god. No more then it is for, for example a wizard. It's simply just spells that the person have learned through knowledge and studying.

what I do would like to see though. To balance things up. is an xp penalty also for the ones that the cleric raise that are an enemy to the clerics deity. Because the spell shouldn't effect them on the same way that it effects one that is allied.

I mean is a little bit like Casting holy water on an vampire..  They doesn't like it and it affects them in a bad way..



Re: Holy symbol or item
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2006, 03:37:47 am »
ALL of the clerical spells are granted by the gods. ALL of them.

That's why it's called Divine Magic.

But I like the idea of having things for enemy clerics, paladins, holy fists, and other divine casters, act in reverse. However, not everyone is devout, so someone who, for example, offers homage to Shadon on the weekends, and has Shadon in thier Deity slot, but doesn't do much more than that, wouldn't have Lucinda all cranky with them.


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Re: Holy symbol or item
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2006, 04:23:35 am »
I'm maybe wrong about it but spells that are not in my opinion devine or that you must wear an holy symbol for to be able to use, are not granted by the gods. It is simply spells that you can learn if you study. I'm now refering to the similar spells that sorcorers, Wizards, druids and so forth Can learn to cast. Clerics are priests and their knowledge and wisdom gives them the power to cast these kinds of spells. Not their god..

Thats my look at it but then again.. I might be wrong *shrugs*

The reverst xp loss thing however. the more I think about it, the more it make sence. :)



RE: Holy symbol or item
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2006, 05:53:30 am »
All spells cast by a cleric are through the use of divine magic. There are some spells which overlap those produced by arcane magic (e.g. Bull's Strength), but a cleric still uses his/her link to his/her deity in order to make those spells happen. That they do not require a holy symbol to be worn in order to cast them simply, to me, means that the effects themselves are not all that divine, but does not mean the effects were not supplied by the divine.
  Getting back to the original suggestion, we wouldn't need to create a token on the character because deity information is readily available already through scripting.


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Re: Holy symbol or item
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2006, 06:32:01 am »
Alright.. I give in :)

However I still thinks that the spells that overlap with the arcane magic should not be classified as devine spells.. In my opinion they are not more devine that a poition of bulls strenght would be.. You just need the knowledge to make it/ use it/cast it, and not some kind of acceptance from your god or use the link to thier deity to make it happen. Just my own opinion though *grins*

But my point here is that those spells shouldn't be affected by the fact if the reciver is enemy to the clerics deity or not. Maybe one could look at it this way.

Aid: You link the power from your god as an cleric through the spell to the reciver. An enemie shouldn't be able to recive it.

Bulls strenght: The cleric use his link to his deity to be granted the power to cast it. But it is not chanelled through him to the reciver. Once the cleric have prayd/rested to memorize this spell he should be able to do whatever he wishes whith it.

If I was totaly wrong in my first opinion, atleast give me some cudoz for this theory :D




Re: Holy symbol or item
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2006, 06:42:50 am »
I understand what you are saying about the effects of such spells not working as wellfor followers of enemy deities.
  However, I believe the core problem here is in how NWN handles spells. Once they're cast, it's not really clear whether it's been cast as divine or arcane. We can't accurately judge in script whether Bull's Strength, for example, was cast arcanely or divinely...if either of those are actual words. We could try to guess by character class, but then what happens when there's a Cleric/Wizard multiclass?
  Another glitch is those spells which bleed over into the druid and ranger spell lists. Technically, those are "divine" as well, though not in the same sense, as it's not required for druids and rangers to follow deities.
  We'd probably have to create a second set of "divine only" spells that are basically duplicates of what already exists and then restrict that


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Re: Holy symbol or item
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2006, 06:58:48 am »
I think its fine the way it is now..

As long as we don't change it to the worse I'm a happy camper :)
