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Author Topic: Bard Instruments: Lift Bard-Only Req.  (Read 127 times)


Bard Instruments: Lift Bard-Only Req.
« on: July 21, 2005, 02:57:00 pm »
Since the majority of these CNR instruments simply give bonus bard spell slots, could we lift the "bard-only" requirement on them so that other classes can feasibly cross-class perform and hold them for RP purposes?  Unless somebody is a bard with bard spells, they wouldn't get much of bonus in gameplay in using them anyhow.  Allowing other classes to pick them up and Roleplay that they have some limited musical talent if they'd like would be fun for characters.  (ranger hippies strumming a guitar singing about the environment, whimsical eastern monks playing pan flutes, orcs doing tribal drums in a circle and helping their shamans perform ceremonies, etc)

Music is a large part of cultural identity and a frequent pasttime for warrior poets and the like.  Sure you may have to be a bard to inspire somebody magically, but no great mystical force should shock a man's hand to drop a guitar if he's not a professional musician.  If that happened, then nobody would be able practice with them long enough to become professionals.


RE: Bard Instruments: Lift Bard-Only Req.
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2005, 01:06:00 am »
lonnarin - 7/21/2005  5:57 PM

Since the majority of these CNR instruments simply give bonus bard spell slots, could we lift the "bard-only" requirement on them so that other classes can feasibly cross-class perform and hold them for RP purposes?  Unless somebody is a bard with bard spells, they wouldn't get much of bonus in gameplay in using them anyhow.  Allowing other classes to pick them up and Roleplay that they have some limited musical talent if they'd like would be fun for characters.  (ranger hippies strumming a guitar singing about the environment, whimsical eastern monks playing pan flutes, orcs doing tribal drums in a circle and helping their shamans perform ceremonies, etc)

Music is a large part of cultural identity and a frequent pasttime for warrior poets and the like.  Sure you may have to be a bard to inspire somebody magically, but no great mystical force should shock a man's hand to drop a guitar if he's not a professional musician.  If that happened, then nobody would be able practice with them long enough to become professionals.

Agreed. Though Key can play a mean fiddle.

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: Bard Instruments: Lift Bard-Only Req.
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2005, 09:40:00 am »
Any class can hold an instrument...
  They just can't craft them.


RE: Bard Instruments: Lift Bard-Only Req.
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2005, 09:57:00 am »
Yeah, anyone can use them for RP stuff.

And btw you can't crossclass perform anyway. It's a bard class skill ONLY.


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RE: Bard Instruments: Lift Bard-Only Req.
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2005, 12:29:00 pm »
I think the logic is that only bards have the necessary ear for tone and familiarity with instruments necessary to be able to make them?  And if you're going to spend the time to learn what a bard knows, you might as well become a bard at the same time, eh?

Talan Va'lash

RE: Bard Instruments: Lift Bard-Only Req.
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2005, 12:38:00 pm »
nah anyone can play a guitar.  just few can play it well.

You cant cross-class perform?  Isnt 5 ranks in perform a pre-req for duelist?  I havent seen a bard/duelist yet... there must be some way to get those ranks.

Edit: Doh nevermind.  Its 5 ranks in tumble.  I was confused becuase perform is a class skill for duelists, not a requirement.

Edit Part Duex:  Duelists can play a mean fiddle too :P