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Author Topic: Revamp of Dragon Disciple PrC  (Read 151 times)


Revamp of Dragon Disciple PrC
« on: November 09, 2006, 05:38:38 pm »
Alright, so you've got your Red Dragon Disciples. They've got a tinge of Red Dragon blood in their bloodstream, and are powerfulish spontaneous arcane casters.

But... What about those with Green Dragon blood, or Copper Dragon blood?

Instead of the Red Dragon Disciple class, why not simply the Dragon Disciple class?

One would select a Dragon Type feat at first level in the PrC; Draconic Blood: Green, Gold, Copper, Red, etc.

From that, the other DrD abilities would be determined.

D Blaze

Re: Revamp of Dragon Disciple PrC
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2006, 05:48:00 pm »
Well, for starters, you would have to get approved for a Dragon Disciple Class, that in itself is huge.  

As for different dragons, I don't think it is so hard to just take the current class, fiddle with the elemental abilities, resistances, breath weapon, and there you have it, many Dragon Disciple classes.  

But seriously, the major hard part is to be approved for the class, changing around the color should be easy.

Just look at the requirements just to be approved?


Re: Revamp of Dragon Disciple PrC
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2006, 06:07:05 pm »
Oh, I know. I just wanted to put the suggestion for multiple colours.

D Blaze

Re: Revamp of Dragon Disciple PrC
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2006, 06:11:12 pm »
I believe it's been talked of before, can't remember when though, a good long while ago.

It's just so unlikely to even occur, there just hasn't been much thought put into it.

