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Author Topic: More RP skills  (Read 233 times)


More RP skills
« on: November 30, 2011, 10:10:31 pm »
There aren't enough RP skills and it makes rolling hard because I not sure what to use instead for some skills. Here is the list: Sense Motive, Diplomacy, Knowledge. Sense Motive is the most important because the game doesn't have a skill that can substitute for it like lore can pass as a knowledge roll. For knowledge I think there should be just religion and history as they would be the most useful. I don't think any other knowledge skills would have any real use except in DM quests. Diplomacy would be useful in RP rolls where you aren't quite persuading and you aren't bluffing like when a party is deciding where to go.


Re: More RP skills
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2011, 10:52:57 pm »
While I understand what you're asking, Eegxeta, on the three skills that you mentioned, Sense Motive, Diplomacy, and Knowledge, there are other skills that cover the same types of deal for two of them.  

Diplomacy is covered by the persuade skill, overall charisma, as well as gather information skill.  

Knowledge is covered by the Lore skill.

Sense motive can be covered by bluff, but we tend to be careful because it can be easily abused into metagaming and telepathy- which is not allowed in Layonara.

I understand why you're asking for these things, but there is a lot of rp in the game that is simply rp and without rolls.  Sure, there are times when rolls determine some things, but there are others that don't want to see dice rolls go up every time anything happens because it takes away from the immersion of the game somewhat.

Thanks for the suggestions, but as I said above, there are ways to cover those already in game.

Sometimes to be diplomatic, you simply have to learn to be diplomatic. ;)


Re: More RP skills
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2011, 10:05:15 am »
For reference, as a GM running a quest, I prefer players do not make a skill roll or ability check without my asking for it. As Alatriel points out, other skills and attribute checks can make up for the lack of a sense motive check, and I prefer to determine what is needed on a case by case basis as a GM, then inform the player what roll is needed, if any. That said, I wouldn't mind having a sense motive skill as an option to put points in, and if a player wants to make a roll during one of my quests, and I don't ask for the roll, the player can always send me a tell asking if he/she can/should make the roll.