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Author Topic: Portal Suggestion  (Read 387 times)


Portal Suggestion
« on: July 29, 2007, 06:30:32 pm »
Suggestion:  When the new version comes live and/or when Central and east are brought together,  I suggest a portal to be placed in Fort Miritix (or the one further up, Last Hope?..or both) To lead to Arnax. This portal, because of its higher level will assume more in the way of loot gained and pocket expend ages and should cost more than the standard 300. My suggestion is 1000. These portals will be one way.

Its not fair for fighters that wizards teleport off and the rest can cast invisibility and get back safely. There was another forum that cited this I just don't remember what. Often times fighters would be stranded waiting for another group to pass by or otherwise resorting to the OOC of hopping on an alt or finding another way to contact someone for help.

Edit: Fighters being melee classes without spell casting.
Edit II: This is assuming enough things stay the same to warrent this.
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Re: Portal Suggestion
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2007, 06:37:01 pm »
Yup. Clerics can go all etheral.....Rogues can sneak back ( if they're good enough, but need a good Hide )....others are stranded.

Unless of course the new layout between Arnax and Mirtix will allow for a Fighter or non Caster/Sneaker to simply "walk" back


Re: Portal Suggestion
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2007, 10:53:13 pm »
Two things...

The issue is not so much one of what one class can do over another.  In all honesty, if a group can make it back to Fort Miritix, it shouldn't take them long to get back to Arnax, and it is frankly rather selfish for mages zap themselves out when they know the rest of the group may be dependent upon them to make it back safely. I realize many people will say that it's usually late and people are tired, but a few extra minutes really won't matter much in the grand scheme of things... But that's a bit of a rant, and I'm getting off point. :)

The first think I want to say is that we can all agree that Belinara is rich in CNR, especially the high-end, highly-coveted CNR. Part of getting CNR is making the long trek there and back and facing the dangers involved, as that is the way it is designed.  I can't think of any other CNR locations where a conveniently placed portal would take so much off the return trip.  As I said above, the lack of portals to allow a easy return from hard places like that has far more to do with the CNR issue than it does anything else.

Second, the upcoming release has significant changes to Dregar and Belinara, changes which received a lot of thought, design and planning.  Let's give them a shot and then see how things shake out.

Until then, how about you mages, clerics, rogues and people with an overabundance of Dusts of Beryl, Potions of Invisibility and other quick-escape methods stick around just a bit longer and not leave the rest of your party hanging. ;)

(Disclaimer: I fully understand when people have to leave unexpectedly. My statement does not apply to such instances.  Whenever something like this comes up, I'm reminded of an experience that I had very early in my time here. I went along on a mining trip to Dregar.  We took a housing portal, which at the time cost 4000 GP per use. My character did not have the gold for that, but he was given the gold by the leader of the trip.  It was my first time to Dregar ever, and I was hopelessly lost, outmatched, overpowered and completely out of my element, as a player and a character. My character became encumbered from mining topaz, he died due to my own stupidity and basically I felt like dead weight the entire time.  Nevertheless, I was helped out the entire way.

At the end of the trip, the leader had to go (log out) and I had no idea where I was, how to get back or otherwise survive the trip back to the safety of Hlint.  Most of the rest of the group was disbanding also, having been far more comfortable and experienced in where they were and how to get back.  However, given all that, the leader of the group saw fit to make sure that I and other "young" party member could get back safely.  When we said we could not, he asked another to guide us back safely, which he did.

And so, this character, who knew neither of us, guided us back from the deserts of Dregar into Prantz (then Pranzis), where the other "young" player decided to log out, having at least been this far before. My guide kept asking if anything was familiar, and I kept responding it was not.  We got back to West via Katherian (then Karthy), went the swamp route, through Lan's Port (then Lannisport), Mariner's Hold (then Point Harbor) and into Port Hempstead (then Port Hampshire).  Even when I said that it was now familiar to me, my guide insisted on bringing me back all the way to Hlint safely.

This experience really made an impact on me, and I have always tried to keep that in mind when traveling in a group, especially a group where there are those who may not be as capable or comfortable on their own.  I think it would be a great benefit to all to consider that spirit when such situations arise.)

(exits soapbox, stage left)


Re: Portal Suggestion
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2007, 11:06:29 pm »
Doh! >_< The CNR thing never even hit me!
Dorg I have to honestly say that in my opinion you're the best person  that I've met here for bringing up stuff on another side of the argument in a meaningful and respectful way.


Re: Portal Suggestion
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2007, 12:22:26 am »
you mean as opposed to  "Oh yeah, dummyhead, what about the CNR?  Yer a N00bsicle"?

*grins*  sorry, I had to....


Re: Portal Suggestion
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2007, 12:42:56 am »
Something like that..


Re: Portal Suggestion
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2007, 01:25:35 am »
Who needs a mage for coming back ;)

You simply crush their ranks and run like hell!!!

And of course tell a dm that you did that after you are safe on the our side of that river  ;)

Yeah, tell me about server rules pulling spawns after you, (of course check player list and warn others) but thats what a figther can only do except camping and wait for the next voraxian-mage-ride ;) ... and further the spawns running after you are stuck by the river..

It is fun, its a thriller  I love it while you simply hope you have enough hp to survive the Hill-Billy run


Re: Portal Suggestion
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2007, 01:27:48 am »
Quoting Dorg:
 Second, the upcoming release has significant changes to Dregar and Belinara, changes which received a lot of thought, design and planning. Let's give them a shot and then see how things shake out.
 I've listened to the woes of poor heavily clad dwarves left adrift in Fort Gorge for a long while now.

