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Rangers Polymorph spell

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I was just looking at the spells a ranger can cast and at level 4 the ranger gets a polymorph self spell which is exactly the same as the wizard/sorcerer one.  This means he can transform into a Pixie, Troll, Umber Hulk, Giant Spider or Zombie.  This seems a bit odd for a ranger especially turning into a Zombie or Umber Hulk.  I wondered if it would be possible to change this spell to a more rangerish one perhaps a selection of animals that would suit a ranger more?

I'm sorry for any rangers who really like this spell but I just though it looked a bit odd for a spell a ranger would cast.

*puts on spectacles, combs back his hair Einstein style, and dons a white lab coat*

You see here me friend *points at a chalkboard with gibberish things that are mock quantum physics calculations*, zee problem wit zat iz it affekts zee mage spell if you be changing zee ranger spells ya?

(Not trying to be negative, just have a bit of fun since I'm vibrating from caffine *grin*)

*grins* hehe I know that...what I was suggesting was replacing the spell with something else.  Perhaps another polymorph spell maybe based on animals or perhaps another useful spell instead like Barkskin (which is a PnP ranger spell, why its not in NWN I don't know) or perhaps something else entirely.

The way I understand it, there's a "spell hooking" system introduced with one of the updates from Bioware in the last year or so, which allows module builders to intercept a spell being cast and have different things happen.  This opens the door to wild magic, dead/null magic, and possibly even differing effects based upon which class has cast the spell.

I would also point out that the diety-specific summons here on Layo are a class-specific customization of a spell that is in both the divine and arcane spell lists.

Moving to suggestions. Would be nice for the Animal Domain too ;)


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