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Author Topic: Regular update?  (Read 137 times)


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    Regular update?
    « on: July 14, 2005, 04:01:00 am »
    Hi there,

    Just thought I'd throw this suggestion in.

    I've been away for a week and a half in the fair city of Berlin, very nice it was too, however when I got back to good old blighty (that's England :)) and back on the net, I found myself having to pour through the forums trying to find out all the relative information and news regarding Layonara, there's so much of it!!

    My suggestion would be some kind of newsletter or up-date maybe fortnightly. Obviously this is a lot of work for anyone to produce and maintain, but perhaps just a list of the most pertinent forum threads that players should be aware of (basically global issues). I seem to recall someone was trying put together a newspaper for layonara, perhaps it could constitute a column within this?
