The World of Layonara

NWN Discussions and Suggestions => NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests => Topic started by: Diamondedge on July 10, 2005, 06:29:00 pm

Title: Residential Districts
Post by: Diamondedge on July 10, 2005, 06:29:00 pm
Let's face it. Hlint is getting pretty big. In fact, you can't keep a house there anymore for more than an hour or two before someone else has bought it.

So, I think it's time the cities of Mistone are 'expanded'... The mayors and what not would certainly see this is essential for the maintenance of the town's economy and what not.

So, why don't you wonderful and wise game developers start plotting residential districts to be built? I know a good lot of people would love to see another bajillion houses added.

So, the idea is, add an idea branching off of Hlint somewhere to the south, probably, since that's where it will fit, and do it solely for houses.

Port Hampshire could do the same, there's room all over the place to say 'okay, the City's expanding to... here'. It would take two hours to get this done and it would make a ton of people happy.
Title: RE: Residential Districts
Post by: Diamondedge on July 10, 2005, 11:31:00 pm
Actually, more thoughts come to mind now.  Add an apartment building, for example, or something like it. I dunno, that might not work, but it's just a thought.  A tax system. This is a big idea that will likely anger the masses. Which is why a dink like me has to suggest it. Every RL month, deduct some form of money from something from a character. Perhaps there is a tax box or something that the character must leave his money in, and he gets to keep his house. This could be 10% of the original cost of the house, and it would make sense and work. However, if the player does not pay the taxes, there is a 30% chance of eviction. You know, getting caught dodging the taxes. All of his furnishings etc are liquidated and he gets the money for that, but other than that he's booted out of the house.  This saves on things like houses having a character that one day bought them, but the player doesn't play Layonara any longer, and so forth, thus allowing the playerbase a fair shot at buying a house. I present THIS idea because I've seen many houses bought by people that I've never seen online even once, thus leaving me to believe, that, well, they don't exist. *shrugs*  Just an idea, tear it to shreds if you like, but I shall be a martyr!
Title: RE: Residential Districts
Post by: Zhofe on July 11, 2005, 02:34:00 pm
The problem with that is, sometimes people leave, and then want to come back, and would be EXTREMLY upset to see that a house that they spent months saving up to buy, through tears, sweat, blood, and all-nighters infront of a computer screen, be handed over to someone else.

As for the apartment building idea, Cappyra and I were working on a player run boarding house a while ago, but it didn't pan out how we wanted it because of item limits in houses, and then I stopped playing for a bit. I'd say that if you want to see apartment buildings then instead of asking for them, try and start them yourself. If you don't have the gold, try and find people who do. It seems to me that the GMs are more willing to help players do things like that if the players have already planned and progressed toward such a goal on their own.

But I'm not a GM, so I wouldn't know about that last comment ...
Title: RE: Residential Districts
Post by: Leanthar on July 11, 2005, 02:38:00 pm
BTW, Zhofe--the limit on house placeables is now 200 (from 35-40)--Thank you again Orth! :)
  To the original poster, I have read the thread and we will see what we can do... the modules are already huge though and houses take time to create...
Title: RE: Residential Districts
Post by: Zhofe on July 11, 2005, 02:44:00 pm
Wow! That is a big jump!

I'll have to talk to Cappyra about it and see if we can't get back to that idea again then! 200 items is WAY more than enough.

Now, I have to work on making my house prettier ...
Title: RE: Residential Districts
Post by: Diamondedge on July 13, 2005, 08:12:00 pm
I was aware the module was huge when I originally suggested the idea, so I wasn't really holding my breath. Still, it'd be nice to have a house available after you save up the money, or else you just go and blow it on like, ale. Well, not ale, but you get the picture. Potions and things. And stingy mages that won't buff you unless you pay them.
Title: RE: Residential Districts
Post by: Leanthar on July 13, 2005, 08:16:00 pm
Stay tuned for a possible solution (in a round about way) to this suggestion... as well as fixing a few other things that Orth and I are concerned about. It will take quite some time to get it in place (if we can ever get to it) but it will be a good one I think.