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Author Topic: Wounding Whispers Duration  (Read 341 times)


Wounding Whispers Duration
« on: January 05, 2013, 04:58:25 pm »
The duration for the level 3 bard spell Wounding Whispers is currently at 1 round/level, which is shorter than similar spells (Death Armor, Elemental Shield, and Mestil's Acid Sheath, all 1 in-game hour). In addition, all of these other spells have additional effects, as such:

Death Armor (Level 2): 1d4 + 1 per level (max + 10) damage (magic), +2 natural armor bonus, material component: Black Onyx
Duration: 1 hour

Elemental Shield (Level 4): 1d6 + 1 per level (max + 15) damage (fire), 50% cold immunity, 50% fire immunity, material component: Glowworm
Duration: 1 hour

Mestil's Acid Sheath (Level 5): 1d6 + 1 per level damage (acid), 100% acid immunity, material component: Glass Statue of a Man
Duration: 1 hour

Wounding Whispers (Level 3): 1d6 + 1 per level (max + 15) damage (sonic)
Duration: 1 round/level

I understand that sonic damage is superior at least to acid and fire damage (probably not to magic), and that this spell does as much damage as elemental shield. The lack of material component is nice too, but there is no secondary effect, and in my opinion the duration of wounding whispers is far too short to be of any real use, at least at the levels when it is most appealing to take it.

Admittedly I am only suggesting this because I have a new bard character looking to make use of the spell, and a longer duration would really help in that endeavor, but I'd like to suggest raising the duration to either 1 in-game hour (as the other variations), or something like 5 rounds/level (maybe 3 rounds/level, if 5 is too much and 3 is even possible). It would certainly make it a much more usable spell.


Re: Wounding Whispers Duration
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2013, 04:03:30 pm »
The stock NWN duration for Wounding Whispers is 1 round/level, so this is not something we nerfed in terms of duration.

It's less of a matter that sonic damage is "better" than other elemental forms of damage, but there are very, very, very few entities you will encounter who have resistance or immunity to sonic damage.  Therefore, the potential for damage to enemies from this spell is significantly higher on average than any of the similar spells. Remember also that a Bard cannot start casting this until 7th level at best but level 8 on average, giving 8 rounds of duration and 1d6+8 (or 9-14) points of sonic damage right off the bat every time an enemy hits that bard.  Metamagic can boost this as well.

I have personally watched players use this spell to pretty devastating effect, to the point of not making any direct melee attacks while killing enemies by allowing them to hit the character and take what is effectively irresistible damage.  It's better than it sounds on paper.