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Author Topic: Suggestion: Fixing Spell Schools for Logical Purposes  (Read 164 times)


Suggestion: Fixing Spell Schools for Logical Purposes
« on: December 04, 2006, 03:01:08 pm »
Haste – Transmutation
Mass Haste – Enchantment

Suggestion: Change both of them into transmutation. You’re not fooling the brain to move faster as far as I’m aware, you’re making your body physically fit to do so.

Blindness – Deafness – Enchantment
Mass Blindness Deafness – Illusion

Suggestion: Make them both enchantments. It makes more logical sense this way.

I've seen the Stoneskin/Greater Stoneskin fixed in accordance to this rule (Prior the lesser had been abjuration and the greater transmutation) and it seems as a pattern the school usually goes to the school of the spell that comes first. As such these seem to follow that same pattern.


RE: Suggestion: Fixing Spell Schools for Logical Purposes
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2006, 05:25:28 pm »

My guess is that Bioware deliberately did it this way to balance the specialist wizards. So that if one would have go without transmutation he'd at least have mass haste and such.

Given the nature of Layonara as a partybased world, they might as well all be set straight. Specializing in a certain school should also include the consequences.


Re: Suggestion: Fixing Spell Schools for Logical Purposes
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2006, 06:17:24 pm »
Well...Bioware doesn't make logical sense :) Thats for the comment!


Re: Suggestion: Fixing Spell Schools for Logical Purposes
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2006, 09:44:29 pm »
I disagree with blindness.  It fits nicely with illusion.
Deafness though, is right for enchantment.


Re: Suggestion: Fixing Spell Schools for Logical Purposes
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2006, 09:57:27 pm »
Heh well that must be a good reason to alternate,  because the spell is "blindness/deafness," not a spell for each, so... :P


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Re: Suggestion: Fixing Spell Schools for Logical Purposes
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2006, 06:18:00 am »
I'm not sure that the difference in spell school is a mistake.  Say, for example, that abjuration handles Stoneskin.  That's fine and dandy, but in order to get Greater Stoneskin, it's an entirely different principle of magic to work on; while abjuration allows a cover of stone to be created over yourself, Greater Stoneskin requires that you actually transmute your body to a degree.  As well, while Haste is transmutation, the stronger variant needs to call upon enchantment to induce speed in an entire group.
I rather like the variety, and I think we all know there are other illogical things that haven't been changed, or changed yet.


Re: Suggestion: Fixing Spell Schools for Logical Purposes
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2006, 08:22:38 am »
Yeah thats fine, but they actually changed greater stoneskin to be abjuration as well. All I'm stating is that if the argument holds true for one spell, it should hold true for like instances.

Ill summarize something Acacea said: Hrm...I suppose Greater stoneskin would be turning your flesh to stone. Wait. We already have that :)


Re: Suggestion: Fixing Spell Schools for Logical Purposes
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2006, 02:53:32 pm »
Perhaps both haste and mass haste should be moved to enchantment.  Enchantment is actually one of the smallest schools and Transmutation is one of the larger schools.  In general, Conjuration, Transmutation, and Evocation seem to have the lion share of the spells.  Evocation gets a little extra size from the tendency to have what is essentially the same spell under a different name for a different element (e.g. firebrand vs ball lightning).

I could see a significant reshuffle of all the spell schools going into V3, but any reshuffling is bound to have a significant impact on all the specialist wizards out there.