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Author Topic: Replacing gravestones with corpses  (Read 1041 times)


Re: Replacing gravestones with corpses
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2006, 06:59:09 am »
true but at the same time if my theory is correct about the empty skin in your inventory, a soul should not be able to equip none of this or talk to anyone that is not coonected with the dead realm.  In this case you could have a talking will-o-whisp who is able to carry gold and tikets.  I think the will-o whisp in the swamps near hlint already carry some gold. and as to the unequie of armor and weapons, you could do a script that would unequipe everything at the death void then applying the new skin over the char in there.  And when you get to your death site it is a matter of re-applying the char true skin, since the weapons would already be unequiped from the go that should eliminate a problem.  
  Also if im not mistaking, all the inventory and equiped weapons armor etc are stored in a log file on the server.  If you die and are sent to the death void you could only have you body change and no inventory at all except for gold.  On a later date the player could then buy the tickets he-she needs ( remember the talking will-o) and then go to his grave site.  As he would pray, the skin would be reapplied and then his inventory given back to him. The inventory being given back to him is already being used with the filled- empty canteen, it would only be an adaptatin needed to this.
  and for those who would have not binded on the other server it would only be their action that would force them to wait.  You showed us many time that each action made by his player has a concequence, so if the will-o-whips idea could not carry anything, it would be the player responsibility to bind on that server as it is now to do in case of server crashes.


Re: Replacing gravestones with corpses
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2006, 07:12:50 am »
Your theory is not correct, though. PCs are not ghosts or bodiless souls after death. They are reformed at the bindstone after their souls are whisked away at the moment of death. Gulnyr summed it up pretty nicely somewhere up there-ish.

I'd think that even if the skin was not just what applies your stat adjustments, it would have been interpreted incorrectly. You based it off of the name, "Empty Creature Skin," which seems like by your logic, would mean an "empty body," or a "body without a soul."

That's not true either, I'm just saying it was a different take on the words than would be usual.


Re: Replacing gravestones with corpses
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2006, 07:19:48 am »
Hellblazer - 8/24/2006  9:39 AM

I think the will-o whisp in the swamps near hlint already carry some gold.

Will-o'-wisps aren't souls.  They aren't even incorporeal.  From the Monster Manual:
A will-o'-wisp's body is a globe of spongy material about 1 foot across and weighing about 3 pounds
Since it has substance and mass, it can carry things, like coins.

Also if im not mistaking, all the inventory and equiped weapons armor etc are stored in a log file on the server. If you die and are sent to the death void you could only have you body change and no inventory at all except for gold. On a later date the player could then buy the tickets he-she needs ( remember the talking will-o) and then go to his grave site. As he would pray, the ski would be reapplied and then his inventory given back to him.

How about we have magic monoliths that teleport and mend souls and bodies, and reconnect them in a safe place, like a town or a temple?  

Is the system really broken?  Is it so bad that you would rather have the project team build a whole new system rather than work on new things and correct real problems?  I think what you are proposing is really a lot more trouble than it seems.  It's not a terrible idea, it just seems impractical and not worth it in the end.

Pen N Popper

Re: Replacing gravestones with corpses
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2006, 07:59:42 am »
*wonders who started this wasteful thread and gasps!*

I only meant to change the object itself to something more IC, leaving the rest of the system as is.


RE: Replacing gravestones with corpses
« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2006, 08:11:01 am »
"Empty creature skin" is the generic name for an object which we use to then apply bonuses, penalties and all sorts of things for subraces, PrC's and death effects. Except in cases of lag, it gets applied to your hidden Creature Hide/skin inventory slot, which then puts its properties into effect. It is not indicative, in any way, that your character's body is "empty". It is an OOC thing that implements a system...nothing more.
  Your inventory is NOT stored in a log on the server anywhere. If something leaves your inventory, it's gone. We don't "save" a copy of it anywhere....ever.
  While your idea is interesting, it's really a far more complex and problem-prone system than I think you realize.


Re: Replacing gravestones with corpses
« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2006, 11:04:31 am »
Oh I thought it was as since I had reformated and re-installed the game a couple of time with my other computer and saw that everything was in order when I came back on the server, I thought it was saved server side.  And your probably right since I have no technical expertise in coding.  I mearly specialise in music, writing and recording.  But none the less it would be cool to see.  :D


Re: Replacing gravestones with corpses
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2006, 11:18:38 am »
Hellblazer - 8/24/2006  1:04 PM  Oh I thought it was as since I had reformated and re-installed the game a couple of time with my other computer and saw that everything was in order when I came back on the server, I thought it was saved server side.  And your probably right since I have no technical expertise in coding.  I mearly specialise in music, writing and recording.  But none the less it would be cool to see.  :D
 Your character is saved on the server vault, but it is saved as a single character file. There is no separate log or any kind of separate storage for your inventory. It's all part of your character, and it gets saved when you save, rest or disconnect from the server. In the case of a client crash, the server still saves your character info. In the case of a server crash, it does not.


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    Re: Replacing gravestones with corpses
    « Reply #27 on: August 24, 2006, 04:29:56 pm »
    My opinion on this is rather simplistic:

    "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."


    Re: Replacing gravestones with corpses
    « Reply #28 on: August 24, 2006, 05:35:13 pm »
    Dorganath - 8/24/2006  2:18 PM    Your character is saved on the server vault, but it is saved as a single character file.  There is no separate log or any kind of separate storage for your inventory. It's all part of your character, and it gets saved when you save, rest or disconnect from the server.  In the case of a client crash, the server still saves your character info.  In the case of a server crash, it does not.
     Ah ok, good to know.