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Author Topic: Tent placeables  (Read 152 times)


Tent placeables
« on: March 01, 2007, 05:18:58 pm »
Okay, I realize that the odds this will even be considered anytime soon is slim, in light of the present work on V3, but at least it will still be here to be considered someday. :P

Basically, it would be pretty nifty if PC's could buy some sort of widget that places a tent for, say, 15 mintues, like a campfire. Something like the small green pup-tents. It'd be nice to actually make camp, when you sit down to make camp. Sure, you couldn't actually get inside them, but it'd still be pretty cool. Anyway, just an idea.


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    RE: Tent placeables
    « Reply #1 on: March 02, 2007, 08:58:23 am »
    I wonder if they could be Safe Rest areas... For 15 mins ;D

