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Author Topic: Portable Crafting stations  (Read 376 times)


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    Portable Crafting stations
    « on: May 10, 2006, 01:48:43 pm »
    I was thinking that a tailors table is just a table with some scripts on it. Is it posible to make a tailors table, or carpenters bench portable. For it beeing portable you could make it so that you get a -5% to the chance of crafting success.

    The first problem with this idea that came to mind was that people would abuse this, and be in the middle of a deep forest, and pull out a carpenters bench... then I thought that why not make it so you have to be in a safe rest area so you don't have to travel from the Seilwood caves to Hlint, you could go from Seilwood caves to The Rangers Vale.

    An other thought came to me as well. Why not make it so you have to use carpentry, and/or tinkering to make the stations.

    Also I know that some crafting statoins would be hard in an out side, and dirty environment (like instrument making), but you could make the ones that only need a table, or little benchy stool thing portable... couldn't you?


    RE: Portable Crafting stations
    « Reply #1 on: May 10, 2006, 02:02:15 pm »
    I think I can say with some great certainty that this simply is not going to happen. Abuse is one major component in the reasoning. Lag is another. Though key among reasons is that we want people to have to go to craft halls to craft.  
      We don't allow crafting stations in player housing either, we certainly won't allow portable stations that can be placed anywhere one wishes.


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      RE: Portable Crafting stations
      « Reply #2 on: May 10, 2006, 06:47:55 pm »
      ummm... I know you denied the idea the first time *gets ready to hide in corner* but... *says really quickly* could you have an expensive ox that can hold minnor crafting stuff that only the owner could use??? Or... *expected to get interupted* put some crafting halls in places that would be natural for a wild elf to go to... I don't think a wild elf would go into a town/city almost every other day just to make stuuff. *Gets prepared to get yelled at*


      Re: Portable Crafting stations
      « Reply #3 on: May 10, 2006, 07:11:43 pm »
      No yelling but the answer is still no. This is not going to happen. Sorry.


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        RE: Portable Crafting stations
        « Reply #4 on: May 14, 2006, 05:09:55 pm »
        Sorry to bring this up again, but I have a question about this. IF there was a wild elf clan starting would there be a possibility of a crafting house in the wild? If so would it need a key?

        Sorry to bother you about this crazy idea, I just hate the thing about having to go into a town for crafting. I can understand the non-portable thing because that can be easily taken advantage of, so please don't yell at me, and will ya think about it?...PLEASE!!!!

        ps. sorry if you already thought about it, and are very annoyed with this idea.


        Re: Portable Crafting stations
        « Reply #5 on: May 14, 2006, 06:26:01 pm »
        The very fact that they're wild elves shows that they would not have complicated crafting tools. It is easy to abuse the crafting stations if they were placed anywhere else. Just like there is no advanced station in North Point to prevent certain high-end metals from being smelted swiftly. A fire took care of that one, if I remember correctly. I believe that the way crafting stations are placed reflects what resources are nearby. If you wanted to perhaps raise the gold to have one built, I could see the team agreeing with you, as people are raising gold to build all sorts of junk these days.

        The only thing I can suggest to you that will really give you is to bite your Elven lips and become a little domesticated, and make use of the towns. :)


        RE: Portable Crafting stations
        « Reply #6 on: May 14, 2006, 07:51:13 pm »
        To give a slightly more official answer on this...
          First, we're not annoyed, and I personally understand your reasoning.  However, please understand ours, which is ultimately an issue of overall game balance. It is not balanced, nor fair, to provide special crafting facilities to one relatively minor subset of the player base.  If, as you say, a new clan of wild elves is forming, well, that's just fine (kept within reason), but for a variety of reasons, the development and GM teams won't be expending much in the way of time and resources to accomodate the RP of said clan, no matter how fitting it might be.  This may sound harsh, but I assure you it is not meant to be as such.  We simply will not expend that kind of effort to one group, because then we'd have to do the same for pretty much every group that asked, and we  just don't have the resources to do that.
          If this clan ends up being stable and active, it can be declared (by its leaders) as a "guild" for purposes of game mechanics, and with an appropriate expendature of gold on the part of the guild, you may request a facility for your guild which, again for purposes of game mechanics, will be a facility behind a locked door.  Pretty much, this means it will be an interior space.  This is about the extent to which the GM and dev. teams will accomodate a group such as a clan, guild or whatever.  
          Even with such a guild hall, however, we will not be providing crafting stations to guilds, individual players or whatever.  Again, this comes back to fairness and balance, which is extremely important for the longevity and integrity of this game world.  The one and likely only exception to this rule is the placement of food and beverage crafting stations within player-run taverns/inns.  These are provided because the characters who run them paid for them and these crafts are primarily RP and not very profitable whatsoever.  By contrast, tailoring, woodcraftng and the like can have very high amounts of gold returned from a single sale.
          For now and the foreseeable future, crafting will be restricted to designated, and public, crafting halls only; there won't be any private crafting halls as that simply is not fair to anyone else. Short of a population expansion onto the continent of Xantril, we likely won't be adding any additional craft halls either.  This may change somewhat as we transition to NWN2, but I doubt that the overall mindset we have regarding crafting and craft station placement will change all that much.


        RE: Portable Crafting stations
        « Reply #7 on: May 15, 2006, 01:32:30 am »
        Have I overlooked something or is there no kitchen on all of Rilara? I vaguely think maybe there was one at Stone before it was taken, I was only there once.

        If I've overlooked one, just tell me I've overlooked one of course.

        Pen N Popper

        Re: Portable Crafting stations
        « Reply #8 on: May 15, 2006, 01:40:36 am »
        The Freelancers Tavern in Point Harbor has a kitchen for public use.


        Re: Portable Crafting stations
        « Reply #9 on: May 15, 2006, 01:43:48 am »
        Ah, yet another sneaky tactic to lure us in and sell us ale!

        Thats just what we needed, thanks.


        RE: Portable Crafting stations
        « Reply #10 on: May 15, 2006, 05:48:39 am »
        Stranzini - 5/15/2006  3:32 AM  Have I overlooked something or is there no kitchen on all of Rilara? I vaguely think maybe there was one at Stone before it was taken, I was only there once.  If I've overlooked one, just tell me I've overlooked one of course.
         There is a kitchen on Rilara, besides the Freelancers, though it might be a bit hazardous to reach at the moment.


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          Re: Portable Crafting stations
          « Reply #11 on: May 15, 2006, 01:08:54 pm »
          Okay... thanks for your co-operation. I understand what you're trying to say, and agree with it (or at least the basis of it). So have a good day/ week (or any other time intervol you want to put in there)

