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Author Topic: New Spells  (Read 276 times)


New Spells
« on: March 01, 2007, 05:01:04 am »
Hello, I just wanted to know, if some new spell would be introduced in the game if some players put them here. Not just the think that "I like this spell, and I want it", but some spells that are really usefull and that are not on the Player's Handbook or Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (the books from wici NWN spells came from...), like spells from Spell Compendium and all. There are also some spells, like "Whispering Wind", from the Player's Handbook that fit so very well to the Layo setting and play experience...


RE: New Spells
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2007, 06:54:21 am »
Any spells that get added to, removed from or altered in the game are done so through the GM Team only. The reason for this is to make sure that everything stays balanced overall and that it fits well into Layonara. The community may make suggestions, but all spell changes go through the GM Team. We're not going to add spells just to add them. They need to fit well and make sense for Layonara.
  Keep one thing in mind: Layonara is very different from Forgotten Realms. Many of the things that work well in FR are vastly overpowered for Layonara.


RE: New Spells
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2007, 08:16:31 am »
Thanks for the thing to keep in mind, but I'm a pnp player and DM, and I know about different worlds, not a nwn gamer only, and like I said, there are some spells that would fit well. Like for example the Whispering Wind. You can send a bird via LORE, or many players just rp in Tells when they want to send messages to other characters far away, some rp with magic, some rp with a bird, hawk, anything. I think that a spell who would do this, to send a message to another character, that is what the Whispering Wind does, would greatly enhance the immersion on the rp.

But thanks for the "not add just to add", anyway. I was just trying to help.


RE: New Spells
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2007, 08:39:41 am »
Well see...that is probably a bad example, because of NWN game mechanics. In other words, why spend the time to code a spell that does the same thing as a Tell?
  My comment about the Layonara setting was not to imply anything about your background, but rather to inform you of the thought process we use here when adding things like spells to the game.


Re: New Spells
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2007, 09:35:14 am »
I have to say. Whispering Wind is awesome. I used it in PnP games all the time and it is a very immersive and cool thing for sure. I would not be against adding that just for the RP value.

I think what Dorganath is stating is that we have to pick and choose things that provide the most bang for the "buck" for the community as a whole. Some times we don't (or can't do that) but a lot of times it comes back to haunt us.

We are not against adding new spells, that is for certain. And you can always give examples and spell them out in this suggestion area. But when it comes to implementing and balancing them for the community it is the GM Team that does that. But a lot of our stuff that we put in comes from community suggestions. Just please don't get angry if we don't implement things as they are defined (or implement them at all), it is nothing personal. It is more balance, time, or work load.


Re: New Spells
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2007, 04:51:15 pm »
Hum, I understand now. Thank you Leanthar, I think that I see the point. Maybe the dms like the spell but don't want to code. I can understand that, not having time, or seeing that something is just a little too hard and all, and, as a module builder, I really can understand, and I'll never get angry at that. I would only get a little angry about a sugestion being simply ignored, or something on some kind of line like that, after all, a "Hum, the idea is good/bad, but it's a little to hard for us at the moment. Sorry about it, and thank you for your sugestion. We'll try when we can, if we can." is so much more polite than "No. We're not going to add spells just to add them, does not matter the suggestion. Point."

Again, thank you GM, thank you Leanthar. If I see another spell that would work just fine for Layo I'll post, and the gms see if it's worth the trouble.


Re: New Spells
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2007, 06:17:13 pm »
Dorg was just replying to the question on "can we post suggestions for new spells? There are a lot from..." by saying that while yes, suggestions can be made, they still have to be filtered through the teams, layofied, coded, etc, so while they're welcome, they might be heavily altered or not done at all based on investment and payback and so forth. Not directly telling you that your spell sucks because they're not adding spells just to add them - just laying out the parameters for making suggestions. ;) There are a lot of suggestions that pop up basically just saying "it would be cool if..." that would take some effort to do but can basically be achieved without any scripting at all. Not saying that all of your suggestions would be that way.

