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Author Topic: "Climbing Stone" to guard aganst Land Sharks  (Read 111 times)


"Climbing Stone" to guard aganst Land Sharks
« on: June 27, 2006, 09:38:15 pm »
Recently I was musing about the Land Sharks incident,

and an idea came to me.  In that area where the sharks can follow you up that slope to dry land, why not use one of those "climbing stones" upon which one must click (and pass a modest dc) to get up on higher ground?  Incorporate this +instead of+ the slope there.

As it stands the dry ground is deceptive, because the sharks will still follow you there.

Well, that's my suggestion to fix this: sharks with true sight rising from the waters and flying to shore, there to prey on unwitting drow hiding in the shadows.  ;P

Oh, and just for the record, I've never been back there, nor do I intend to go unless I must.  And I have +no idea+ what led me to think of this.  =P

