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Author Topic: Scent feat  (Read 434 times)


Scent feat
« on: November 30, 2007, 03:18:40 am »
I was wondering if the scent feat could be implemented to to work for rangers or if already does.

I saw that it was available for my ranger class to take when i leveled last time and was hoping to take it the next time I was able to gain a feat.

I was told it was, and according to lore, available only to the bear warrior prestige class or wemics. Later I was told PC's can take the feat, but it wont work unless you are either a wemic or a bear warrior.

My reasoning is that if a ranger is the scout/ tracker type then it would be possible for a ranger to develop this particular ability.

I RP my character using her nose alot and was going take this feat to complement her RP. But I dont want to waste a feat if it doesnt work functionally.

SO what do you think?
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Re: Scent feat
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 03:24:40 am »
I always wished it was available to Orcs, Goblins and Druid as well, particularly the latter who would have access to much more developed olfactory glands than those of any bearsark or wemic.  Maybe a wolf-specific shapechange perk, on par with the bear strength, cheetah ac, house cat HIPS and macaw taunt bonuses.  It would be so fun on quests to shift into a dog and play bloodhound for us druids helping the party follow a trail. :D


Re: Scent feat
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 04:08:32 am »
Thats funny...cause abi acts like a bloodhound when shes scouting and tracking.

Her nose to the ground, and her head in pink puffy clouds. :D


Re: Scent feat
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2007, 07:36:15 am »
but no it doesnt help and would just be a wasted feat as it stands

maybe in the next incarnation hmm


Re: Scent feat
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2007, 08:13:53 am »
Sadness... :(


Re: Scent feat
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2007, 11:27:19 am »
Actually on gm run quest it would be a very effective tool. I already use Arwin My dire wolf a lot for tracking through sniffing when I get the chance to be on a Quest with Rain.

SO RP wise, if Abi already rp's it and acts like a bloodhoun (which i've seen pretty funny) it wouldn't be a wasted feat.


Re: Scent feat
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2007, 12:09:26 pm »
If you are not a Bear Warrior or a Wemic, a DM will not allow you to use the feat.

If you are not a Bear Warrior or a Wemic, you will not have Scent. Do not take Scent. It is only mechanically available due to some Bioware restrictions, just like Weapon Proficiency (Sea Elf).

Again. Do not take Scent.


Re: Scent feat
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2007, 12:21:47 pm »
I should have said in my post if it was mod to be used by rangers as Abi asked


Re: Scent feat
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2007, 01:35:43 pm »
I think the feat should be available to monstrous races, and that certain classes should have a way of showing their specific skills... Like Rangers getting Track.

But, as it stands, the Team's stance (and I've gone through the asking bit) is firm: Don't take it.


Re: Scent feat
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2007, 04:16:07 pm »
The Scent feat wasn't designed for simple tracking, but rather for identifying all enemies in the area...perhaps a subtle but important difference. The Scent feat is a mechanical advantage, not simply an RP one. Tracking something involves more than just scent, as someone who couldn't smell at all can still track something by prints, by disturbances in the underbrush, etc.

As far as a generally available feat for rangers, druids or other monster races, I don't really see it happening. I don't see a problem though with a ranger using his/her animal companion to help track on quests, or even a druid shifted into an alternate form that has a heightened sense of smell over the garden-variety human/elf/whatever.  I've been on/run quests where this was done and RPed successfully.

Having said that, I'm fairly sure it could be enabled for someone as the result of a WLDQ, for example.


Re: Scent feat
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2007, 04:45:45 pm »
Hence the question and fun with Abi. She doesnt just use it to track.

She gets a person or critters smell and uses it to identify them. Like any animal would, her super nose picks up and identifies things. Ive had her RP it since she was created and a few gms have had fun with it on their quests. I actually didnt realize ther was a scent feat until she leveled last time and gained a new feat and i saw it there.  

Being a ranger and hating city life, and prefering to spend her time chittering away with chipmunks and squirrels and various other critters of the forest, it makes sense she acts like one in some ways.

On another note...can i request to have a pet squirrel put in her inventory. :D

She will pet it and luv it and hug it and squeeze it and luv it and pet it and hold it and...O.o  ABi nad her squirrel BFF!


Re: Scent feat
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2007, 04:56:54 pm »
Quote from: scifibarbie
On another note...can i request to have a pet squirrel put in her inventory. :D

She will pet it and luv it and hug it and squeeze it and luv it and pet it and hold it and...O.o  ABi nad her squirrel BFF!

*laughs* :D

If we had one, I would...if for no other reason than the cartoon reference! ;)


Re: Scent feat
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2007, 05:52:04 pm »
I'm still holding out for animal companion: monkey.  Please please PLEASE include this in the next version of layo!

