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Author Topic: Stealth Run, a Log.  (Read 112 times)


Stealth Run, a Log.
« on: July 25, 2006, 11:27:47 am »
[SIZE=10](14:15:57) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Oh, a thought:  I've come up with a low-impact script that would allow a new feat... [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:16:01) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Aye? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:16:08) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Ever play KoTOR II? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:16:28) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Not yet. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:16:40) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Ah.  Well, they have a feat in that game called "Stealth Run" [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:16:48) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] I was just thinking about this the other day. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:17:05) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Allow a penalty to run while stealthed. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:17:20) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Well, that'd be trickier to keep low-impact. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:17:34) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Since it requires an on-heartbeat script. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:17:51) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Hrm. What was your idea? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:18:15) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Make it a feat that can be taken, and then functions always. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:18:36) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] It could be made zero-impact if there were an event fired when a PC goes into stealth, but there isn't. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:18:37) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Sounds just as nifty as HiPS. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:18:53) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] It would be infinitely useful to Pyyran. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:19:08) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] No more having to scramble to click the cancel stealth button and then run away. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:19:44) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Basically, the heartbeat script would look only at whether the person had taken the feat - that allows the script to ignore most of the population of the server. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:20:05) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Then, if it registers that the person has gone into stealth, it boosts their movement rate. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:20:18) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] And when they come out, the converse. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:20:36) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] But isn't the Layo heartbeat every six minutes? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:20:46) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Wouldn't that require you to be in stealth on the heartbeat? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:21:00) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] No - heartbeat is once per NWN round (six seconds,  I think.) [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:21:21) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Ah, that would be brilliant, then. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:21:25) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Prerequisites? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:21:30) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Hide 15, Move Silently 15? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:21:36) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] The Stealthy feat? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:21:46) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Maybe.. and probably a high DEX. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:21:56) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] DEX 16+.            14:21 [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:22:19) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Mmmm.. maybe 15.  Circle Kick is only 13, 16 is a smidge unreasonable for a non-epic feat. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:22:34) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] The Epic feats have Reqs of soemthing like 30. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:22:36) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Add that to the Hide and Move Silently pre-reqs.. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:22:40) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Point. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:22:57) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] 15, 15, 15, Stealthy. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:23:18) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Basically, the idea is that the person is skilled enough to move silently and stealthily even when travelling at normal speeds. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:23:34) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Yep. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:23:45) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] So maybe skill requirements of 14 ranks. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:23:57) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] That's higher than HiPS. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:24:03) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Makes sense to me. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:24:17) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Mind if I copy/paste this convo to Layo? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:24:26) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Not at all.  Allez-y. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:24:53) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] I predict the principal concerns will be a) heartbeat script!  Bad! and b) unbalancing. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:25:19) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Probably. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:25:28) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] But the Stealthy feat requirement will handle the balance issue. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:25:43) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Yeah.. having to burn a feat on that will probably annoy some people. :) [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:26:06) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Annoy, annoy, who cares? Duelist requires Ambidex, while it makes NO use of dual-wielding. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:26:27) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Copy/paste.[/SIZE]


RE: Stealth Run, a Log.
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2006, 11:39:31 am »
Neat idea.  The skill prerequisites are pretty high for a non-epic feat, though.  Maybe drop to 8-10 ranks, especially with requiring a pre-requisite feat.  (For non-humans, that already takes up 2 out of 7 non-epic feats.)

I'd also suggest adding it to (if possible) the Rogue's bonus feat list granted at levels 10, 13, 16, etc.


Re: Stealth Run, a Log.
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2006, 09:44:47 am »

(in a booming, echo-ey voice)  Pay no attention to the numerical suffix behind the curtain!  I was young!  I was stupid!  (I am no longer young.) *chuckles*


Re: Stealth Run, a Log.
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2006, 10:50:45 am »
I agree with dropping the requirements to 10 of each, and Stealthy. Having it as a Rogue Special Ability would be SWEET, though. Finally, something more useful than Slippery Mind after Imp. Evasion.

