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Author Topic: Weaponmaster thought  (Read 310 times)


Weaponmaster thought
« on: August 18, 2005, 07:08:00 am »
To me, being a weaponmaster, means that that you have concentrated on one type of weapons' training to the exclusion of others, and to me at least, at another personal character(Role playing)level, its not just any weapon of the class, it is his or her personal weapon of that class that is usually wielded..
Analogous to say a tennis star who will be great with any racket, but, in fact always uses 'their' personal favorite racket.
With this in mind, would it be possile for a weaponmaster to be able to have the privilege to 'name' their weapon ? (NOT asking for any additional feats or abilities)
As far as I am aware the only place the weapon name shows up is on my character sheet, but I think something like, for example, Weapon: Bane of Orcs instead of Weapon: Iron Longsword, would be meaningful in the case of this PrC.

I freely admit my ignorance of any programming difficulties etc. this might involve, or any other technical or gameplay complications that this might entail.

