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Author Topic: The Pranzis Army Officer's Corps  (Read 1572 times)


The Pranzis Army Officer's Corps
« on: June 04, 2005, 02:47:00 am »
The duties of the Pranzis Army are to protect and defend the cities of Lorindar and Pranzis, and, in particular the Royal Castle and the King. Because of this they can be considered the “elite” of the military, but by no means the full extent of the King’s military, as for example, many other military posts and bases on Dregar fall under control of the Dregar Guard.  As the forces of Blood relentlessly hammer into any that oppose them, the Pranzis Army sends forth a call for all able bodied individuals to fill its ranks.  Immediately it is found to be a mistake. Every cutthroat, vagabond, hedge knight and shifty character to be had enlisted, with the promise of food, room, pay, and all the killing you can handle. Many people came to find that they’re no better then mercenaries. In retaliation to clean up and establish a professional, tactically mindful and effective Army the King issued orders to start the enlistment and training of a professional Pranzis Army Officer Corps.   The Corps is the established leadership of the Pranzis Army. Its members have usually been recruited from able bodied adventures capable of following and issuing competent orders.
    It holds it self to a higher standard than any other already established military force. Putting themselves above none, willing to do any task they would ask any common soldier to do, the Corps has established a high standard and tradition of Honor, Integrity, Discipline and Courage.  The screening process for admittance into the Corps Academy is steep, your abilities as a leader and follower shall be taxed upon admittance into the academy. The weak of heart and spirit need not apply.   Cadets are put through a strenuous set of training and leadership schooling courses. Each Cadet upon graduation from the Corps Academy will be commissioned to the rank of Warrant Officer. The Army Corps’ supreme commander is the King of Pranzis. Directly beneath him is the Lord or Lady Commander, who has two Knight Captains.
  Further ranks, in descending order:
    Captain, Knight Chaplain Knight  Lieutenant, Castellan Sergeant, Herald, Standard Bearer Warrant Officer Cadet
    Knight Chaplains will head up the various clerics in the army, with every religion that is represented in the Army having its own Knight Chaplain. The Knight Chaplain’s position in the Church he belongs to does not matter. Knight Chaplains shall act as councilors, teachers and shall oversee all clerical abilities within the Pranzis army.  All Clerics and Cleric officers shall be known by their rank in the Corps first. Their rank in their Church comes second.
    Castellans are known for their ability to tally and control funds and equipment, the Quartermaster if you will. A castellan governs supplies, funds and needed equipment for the Army Officer Corps.
  Heralds are the keepers of history and spreaders of word.  Standard Bearers carry the Standards of the Army Officer Corps as well as the Pranzis Army and the King, an extreme position of honor.
    The Army Officer Corps is very discipline oriented. While in the presences of outsiders, officers will address each other by title/rank. Salute and greet officers of higher rank and be professional and polite. Politics is not required in the Army Officer Corps. They have one purpose and only one purpose: to lead the Army of Pranzis competently.
     Notes[/i][/b]: The Cadet Academy is the initial foundation and establishment of the Corps. The Army Officer Corps will be made up of PC and NPC characters that will be given duties and responsibilities within the Army in dealing with the development and leadership. Entering the Cadet Academy will be done via a CDQ.
     Requirements to join:
  Must be Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral. Rank is not applied to levels so any level can apply.  Any race may apply. Characters are expected to have a high discipline and after joining continue to spend points in discipline.  Military knowledge is NOT required as the PC will be given courses of education towards RPing and being part of the Army Officers Corps.
Nearly any class can apply (keeping in mind the alignment restrictions).  Paladins cannot apply due to possible conflict with their oaths/vows.