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Author Topic: Bowmore Trading Company  (Read 1379 times)


Bowmore Trading Company
« on: March 06, 2005, 02:41:00 pm »
Around 20 years ago, a man by the name of Bowmore started a shipping business using his fishing boat. Given the war with Blood,  many of Layonara’s ships were being used by various navies, and most traders were afraid to venture out into the open sea. This led to a decline of the power of the most powerful merchant guild, the Merchants of Layonara. Bowmore took advantage of this and started out shipping weapons and armor to various posts in Layonara, mostly from Point Harbor to Fort Velensk.
  Soon, he was doing so much business, that he had to buy another ship and hire a separate crew to keep up. So it went, and soon the Bowmore Trading Company was a fact.  Almost any non-crafted finished product has been in the hands of the Bowmore Trading Company at some point before its arrival on shelves. Today, Bowmore, as many call it for short, possesses over 40 vessels that sail the open seas, most on specified trade routes, but some to find new routes and explore and trade with new cultures and lands. So big is Bowmore’s company that he has even started a small side company called Anvil’s Edge, a weapon and armor smithy located in North Point.   The organization is run by Wulfrin Bowmore himself from its headquarters in Point Harbor. Bowmore is a boisterous and fun-loving half-elf with an appetite for good meat and good fun. He works hard to ensure that Bowmore keeps its sterling image, and maintains only hard-working and honest workers and leaders. Though not particularly a great-looking, nor even a charismatic man, he drives a very hard and very fair bargain. He is, himself, a worshipper of Deliar, as many of his employees are, however he does not enforce his beliefs upon others. Also, despite his wealth, he doesn’t boast it very much, and lives in a large, but not too large, comfortable home with his family.

