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Author Topic: Paladin Orders: Toran's paladins  (Read 1433 times)


Paladin Orders: Toran's paladins
« on: February 24, 2005, 01:43:00 pm »
[SIZE=13]Toran's Order of the Shining Hand  [/SIZE][/b][SIZE=13]Named after the leader of this holy order, the Order of the Shining Hand is made up of a medium number of individuals hand picked by the leader, The Shining Hand of Toran. These individuals, often named Beacons by fellow clergymen for the bright shine they polish their armour to, are tasked with the location and destruction of undead. It is not some great hatred or dislike that drives this order, but simply orders that they follow from the Shining Hand. The Shining Hand only selects Beacons he feels will serve him without question. The Shining Hand is absolute in his control over this Order, answering only to the High Priest and Toran Himself.  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]They are given much leeway and much is forgiven for both the temple and Toran knows that the job they are at is not an easy one.  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Many of the Order tend to be gruff and battle scarred, they follow orders relentlessly and are known for never surrendering and never giving up until the job is done.  Once they are selected for the Shining Hand they must both accept the bond and swear fealty or do not and remain a holy warrior for their god. If they do accept, then they are forever bound to the Shining Hand. There is no turning back.  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]They are both loved and feared by many priests for their drive and unbreakable will.  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Notes:[/i][/b] While a paladin of the Order of the Shining Hand can not freely multiclass with the Undead Slayer, it is none the less the path that this order chooses. They lose none of their special paladin abilities in the move to Undead Slayer. It is more like an extension and focus of their powers. They are almost all even split 11/10 Paladin/Undead Slayers, due to the class requiring level 3 divine spells the earliest a paladin can select the undead slayer class is 11th. Making the 10th level of undead slayer the first epic level one takes.  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Toran's Champions  [/SIZE][/b][SIZE=13]While this is not exactly an Order per se it is necessary to mention them. There are a small handful of elite among the paladins that serve Toran that are occasionally chosen by Toran himself to serve Him directly. These chosen are named Champions and are the most respected and revered in the Toranite temples.  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Most Champions of Toran go through three stages of life; the first and most common stage is that of the dutiful fighter. Born and raised on tales of honour and glory, these men and women serve Toran with or without the church's backing. They often strive to lead those into battle in Toran's name. Always fighting evil wherever they find it. They serve Toran primarily in name.  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]The second stage is most often the pious devout. Many of those warriors who led men into battle in Toran's name are often approached by the various temples to be trained to a strict code of ethics and regimen, these trainees eventually become the paladins and clerics of Toran and are often looked upon as always willing to help those in need, do the right thing, and fight the good fight. They wilfully serve Toran in both duty and name.  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]The final stage is the Divine Champion. These elite few have found the path of temperance. They have progressed beyond the code of the paladin. Oh, they follow it when they can, but they also fully understand that evil doesn't play by rules. That it's rarely that easy or black and white. They do more than fight evil, they seek it out. They climb down into those black pits and let the light of Toran shine there. Where the Paladin combats any evil they find, the Champion's duty is to seek it out. Fight it head to head. Tooth and nail, smite it hip and thigh. Where the paladin tries to sway away from baser emotions, the Champion fills themselves with righteous indignation and divine wrath, for they know that there is power in emotion. They aren't afraid to get dirty, in fact that is part of their duty. Toran forgives them all, as long as their fight is pure and their duty unwavering. They aren't above taking the quicker path if it means Toran's greater purpose is served. They understand the greater good and are willing to make the sacrifices that the others of their ilk are not willing or capable to do.  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]They are the elite because they must be. They know all too well that white shows dirt easier than black and so they know they must occasionally dirty themselves for the greater good. They tend to be quiet and reserved, given to bouts of depression, for many of them often hate the decisions they must make for the needs of the many and miss the easy times of their youth when they were able to fit good and evil into the molds of black and white, they mourn for the loss of that innocence and know that their lives will always be lived in shades of grey now.  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Honour, truth, loyalty, duty, watchfulness, vigilance, and leadership? If fighting evil were only just that simple...  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Notes:[/i][/b] The majority of this is a reprint of the description of the Champion of Toran. It is necessary to understand that to become a Champion of Toran once must under go a CDQ. It is not just selecting it for yourself, you must also be Chosen by Toran. This may involve difficult rite of passages. Tests. The sky is the limit. If successful you would be granted the title by Him. When submitting a character you can state your wish to select this class, but when the time arrives you must undergo a CDQ to find if the character is worthy. Few are good enough mentally, physically and spiritually to become one of the Champions. Once you are selected however, the Champions of Toran may freely multiclass between paladin and Champion. Being hand picked by a god does have a few advantages after all...[/SIZE]

