The Coalition General Alignment: True Neutral leaning Neutral Good. The reason for this is that while the overall aim is Good (feed the poor, help the needy, punish evil, etc), the potential exists among the G-E axis Neutral members to do evil things in order to achieve good. Torturing for information, theft, and perhaps in extreme cases cold blooded murder could occur in order to punish the corrupt and evil and benefit the people. Support for such acts may or may not come from other members, however, but the potential for the actions to be taken is a reality. Goals:Provide support to members own goalsWork against political and moral corruptionUndermine evil, unlawful activities either by bringing the Law to bear, or by taking matters into one’s own hands.Indirectly support Organizations aiming for Order and the Greater Good without strict adherence to it.Provide aid to the underprivileged and downtrodden in order to build resistance against corrupt governments
Never torture for pleasure but will to extract information.Never kills for pleasure - always has a reason.
This deserves a much more in depth response than I have time for right now. But for starters, one or two points (still incomplete and not well rounded):Do good people do evil things to accomplish their ends? What alignment is "the end justify the means"?What alignment would you cast Jack Bauer or James Bond as?Is doing bad things for the greater good [LORE]lawful evil[/LORE]?Regards,Script Wrecked.
The guild is as stated. It's TN, with the intention of working toward good. But there may be members who might decide to do something "evil" to accomplish some "good."
THE COALITION Goals - Protect the weak, root out corruption, advance the greater good of the people of Co'rys and elsewhere. Axioms - Do no evil. Do not sink to the level of those we protect the world from. No job is too small. Even the smallest act of kindness has lasting effects. Knowledge is key. Knowledge of your enemies, knowledge of yourself, and what others know of you - all are precious. No task is too great. Our resources stretch wide; nothing is beyond achieving. Never stand idly by. Where there is the ability, there is responsibility. Strive for perfection. Each of us has our own goals - this group exists to aid all of us in attaining them.