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Author Topic: The Shadow Thieves  (Read 1378 times)


The Shadow Thieves
« on: August 17, 2005, 02:11:00 am »
This intricate network of thieves, assassins, corrupted officials and merchants was originally based in the Mistone continent and secretive to the core. However in last few years the guild has received some unwanted attention by the actions of those who oppose them and have revealed many of their internal workings.
  Expanding from their original locations in Mistone, The Shadow Thieves have slowly moved in Rilara and Dregar and have begun their deceptive spread throughout Xantril as well. Poisoning officials with their virulent tongues the thieves have managed to establish a strong foothold in many of the governing agencies around Layonara. Yet this increase in members and rapid expansion of their numbers has also been the cause for many tidbits of information dripping out from their walls.
  The Shadow Thieves are said to be ruled by a Shadow Master, who in turn leads the Shade Council. If anything about the Thieves is known to be a fact is who their current Shadow Master is. This title is currently granted to one Shar Shadowfang, a skilled halfling assassin who murdered her way through the ranks until she disposed of the previous Shade Council to completely reform with people under her command. Shadowfang or The Many Faced, as she is normally known, is rumoured to have many faculties at her behalf yet this by no means diminish the fact that her crimes are the basest definition of evil. She is ruthless, canny and most important of all, completely devoid of any compassion.
  The Shade Council are conformed by what is known as High Shadows. Seven individuals who are elected by the Shadow Master herself, the positions granted intelligently to manage the separate aspects of the guild. No High Shadow knows another, they all answer to Shar and she makes sure none finds out about what the others are currently plotting. They handle the information, assassination writs, economic manipulation and more specific duties only known to the Shadow Master herself. These seven High Shadows are rumored to be extremely powerful themselves. The only publicly acknowledged one being Hirum, the High Priest of Branderback in Pranzis or The Merchant as he is normally known. Protected by a very complex play on regional and religious law, Hirum sits as one of the few known links to the Thieves.
  The faculties and specific layers of what truly conforms The Shadow Thieves is not known yet it is clear that the more involved a member becomes the more despicable the acts they must enact to remain within the guild become. At first potential Shadow Thieves are hired in friendly manners to obtain information for what may seem to some, beneficial reasons for a greater good. Yet with time the true nature of the guild is revealed, beggining by simple disruptive acts of banditry which eventually lead to corrupt acts for self gain and powerlust. A common saying within the ranks is "To be a Shadow you will become as a Shadow", which in general portrays to the eventual spiritual darkening of any individual in the guild.
  As mentioned above the most common and normally a beginners position is that of information gatherers. Known internally as Package Handlers, these individuals despite their jobs generally know little of what the information they carry may imply. Even more so, those who begin connecting dots are quickly promoted or eliminated. The latter more common than the former, Package Handlers are a dime a dozen.
  Directly above this the guild divides strictly in two aspects. Contraband and Extermination. The first is normally managed by those known as the Silver Tongued Shades. Individuals whose unscrupulous business abilities have gained the attention of the Golden Wolves, corrupt nobles whose influence is used for the ill-gotten gains of the guild. Silver Tongued Shades persuade, manipulate or downright blackmail any potential business venues the Thieves could use to their benefit.
  The second are more visceral in nature. Known as Gauntlet Workers, no assassin in the Shadow Thieves is above any other. They all receive writs from a High Shadow and carry them through on punishment of death shall they fail in their task. Gauntlet Workers are not only deadly but extremely resourceful and are to be extremely feared.
  Eventually this strange ladder leads directly under the High Shadows. Agents known as Onyx Hounds reside in this place. Very few Onyx Hounds exist, these individuals have become experts in their regions and are known to be as the most fruitful wells of information. Their skills and knowledge vary depending on the demands of a region but they are all well connected and protected by many. Onyx Hounds carry a mysterious flare about them many of them being faithful to Branderback. Rumors of their meetings in Pranzis are not unheard of.
  In its current undesirable public state the guild has been forced to make some drastic adjustments to their strategies. Many of the Mistone assets have been moved to the relative peacefulness of Dregar. Much internal turmoil due to these events has caused separation and rumours of branching subentities are not uncommon. The Xantril territories are still being heavily fought for with other groups and currently no ground has been gained in the continent of demons. All in all the Shadow Thieves are at this moment in time one of the most powerful and evil entities in Layonara, yet the potential for massive failure is present and ever threatening, the outcome of such an event, terrifying in itself.