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Author Topic: Breathe  (Read 124 times)


« on: February 12, 2005, 12:58:00 pm »
Breath in the air, fresh and clean.
Coming from the trees, so tall and lean.
One part of natures complex blood,
Through the trees, rivers and the flood.

The waters that form and fall from the sky,
Twinkling down yet the wind blows them high.
Eventually they float softly to the ground.
Dripping, dropping and soaking all around.

As the rain does slip and slide down my face,
I remember one thing about this vast place.
The web of our lives may be tied up in knots,
But to forsake one's self is but a great loss.

Just then as I thought this all to myself,
The rains from above withdrew in some wealth.
And the clouds passed on by like some shadow,
Receding from the light revealing a plateau.

At first just a single shining silver plate,
Beaming down on my dismal current state.
Then by the dozens they all appeared,
Dotted and clustered seemingly weird.

Connecting the dots drew visions of mind.
Depicting great battles of suns over time.
Nature it seems to have it's great plan,
Twisting and turning in all our life span.

So I take another breath and remember my life.
I'm thankful for all, especially my strife.
For nature would not have brought me to here
Unless I was to learn something so dear.

