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Author Topic: Blood Clot  (Read 579 times)


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    Blood Clot
    « on: February 08, 2006, 04:04:06 pm »
    Too many times I’ve tasted
    Hatred spitting from the holes
    You’ve created within me.
    Deliciously terrible tadpoles,
    Surging within my throat;
    Fearing the oblivious pit,
    They’d rather hide in whispers.
    Drowning me in their bitterness,
    Coppery killers sapping my will.
    Choking and heaving to expel them,
    I am rewoven into rage myself.
    Too many times the crimson rivers
    Ran from me, but I’ll not do the same
    To them, to all of you; just get it over with.
    I’m full of the dark scarlet waters,
    So partake of them or decorate my surroundings,
    I care not for your motives, as long as you enjoy
    Harming one other to please yourself.
    I’ll heal and you’ll still be only the little person,
    A thorn in the side of humanity at it’s greatest.
    You are nothing, a select piece of chattel,
    While I am still advancing, incomprehensible
    To you and your unenlightened lot.
    Almost enough to make us weaker ones cry
    For you, but we need not, we’ve bleed enough.
    But once I stop, half empty, devoid of half my
    Humanity intact, I’m still more a man
    Than you can ever hope to be,
    So goodbye.


    Re: Blood Clot
    « Reply #1 on: February 09, 2006, 09:24:39 am »
    Excellent work.  A stream of consciousness that rolls out like the river of blood bursting from the clot.

    Living Elegy

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      Re: Blood Clot
      « Reply #2 on: April 11, 2006, 02:37:49 pm »
      Nice, nice.  Very viceral!  These would be great lyrics for a metal song :)

