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Author Topic: A Poem of Seh'Spar  (Read 107 times)


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    A Poem of Seh'Spar
    « on: July 13, 2005, 10:15:00 pm »
    Here in lies the love poem (kind of) from Hlint as promised. It is not my best work but it fit the situation and is kind of elfish. It is rough and unpolished still. I hope you enjoy it.


    As I think of love my mind wanders
    down long forgotten paths
    It marches back to the early days you youth
    Carefree days
    days spent with idol time
    time with friends
    Before we knew what love was
    Before we judged and weighed
    When puppy love was common
    When smitten a new each week or day

    True love flew on cupid’s arrow
    striking the heart of but a few
    those it struck were one in love
    That love flourished and grew
    it fanned its flames and spread
    Soon these struck were inseparable
    have eyes only for each other
    all others were but fleeting shadows
    in the life of those in love

    But love can last longer then life
    And when it does
    one is gone and one is left
    And the ones left standing
    Must carry on the work
    the work that love started
    tend the tree
    that grew from that small seed

    A single tree in a forest
    one life is a sea of people
    no one sees that tree
    not one alone in a forest
    not a single grain of sand on a beach
    the tree suffers alone
    its leafs turn withers and fall
    From that moment on
    they are in the autumn of their life

    Their life their passion their love
    all fall away one autumn leaf at t time
    as one dream floats quietly to the ground
    another is slowly turning colors
    dying yet clinging until the next gust
    when the winds of life come
    the leafs let go and fly away
    one by one they are gone

    Leaving only a barren tree
    striped of leaves
    striped of hopes and dreams
    love is was the seed that was planted
    love was the sap that flowed
    the blood in our veins
    our very life force is was and will be love