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Author Topic: Hunting  (Read 392 times)


« on: May 04, 2006, 04:40:07 pm »
Losing myself in imagination as always I came up with this poem after being inspired to write one of my own characters thoughts, after reading  few of the others the rest of you have shared.

~Think on these words before abusing the wood, or slaying an undeserving child of nature~

The race is on.
The trail is hot.
Will you escape?
I think not.

I can not see you.
Though I know where you are.
Don't be foolish,
You can't get far.

Today you've played with fire,
Messed with the wrong ranger.
No matter where you hide,
You're still amidst danger.

I pull back on my bow.
Keeping it steady.
Take a deep breathe.
I hope you're ready.

Now I can see you.
But you can't see me.
How easy can this possibly be.

Releasing my fingers,
Letting arrow fly.
You're so oblivious.
You're end is nigh.

The blink of an eye
Is all it took.
To end your life
With mine unshook.

Too bad you're dead
And won't hear me say,
"You've messed with the wrong
Woodsman today."

~One of many thoughts that race through the great Telinar Artimo's mind while hunting enemies of nature, or anyon he feels deals undo pain to the balance of nature~

Written shortly after killing an archer who took the life of a friend, a bear Telinar held dear.


RE: Hunting
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2006, 04:41:17 pm »
Let me know what you guys think. This was actually pretty much the only thing I've ever written besides ... I was forced to write in english class from high school.

