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Author Topic: Project Azarentia  (Read 97 times)


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    Project Azarentia
    « on: October 06, 2006, 05:45:34 pm »
    I am the founder of a writing project called Azarentia. It is a project to create a new fantasy world, similar in ways to other fantasy, but also a bit different. The universe, called Azarentia, is still in heavy development, but I have sample stories written, because I intend on writing a full novel at some point.

    The website can be found at

    First story is sort of part of my idea for the plot of the novel I plan on writing.

    Maaaris - (Think: elves)

    Farren -

    Agonn Draye - True form:

    The Dragon Lord, Agonn Draye
    The legend of the Dragon Lord, Agonn Draye is very old. Most of the people of Gyladren do not even remember the stories. Agonn was once a very powerful human mage. But it took him seventy-five years to attain that power, and his quest for it had started when he was around the age of thirty-five. He was nearing his death. He had worked so hard to become so powerful, yet had not even had the time to use this power for his own wants. So he designed himself a a body. A siliconide body. Siliconides are creatures in Gyladren that are silicon-based life, rather than the normal carbon-based. He made this siliconide body perfect. He made it of very light, but sturdy materials, the type that the one Dragon itself was supposed to be made of. It was a literally body of armor. It was humanoid in shape, bipedal, for Agonn, being a human, was used to life as a bipedal creature, and therefore would work better as one. And he found that his design resembled the ancient records of the one Dragon.

    As he died, Agonn performed a spell that converted his mind and soul into an Ionide, an energy being, and suffused his Ionide form with that of the siliconide shell. For a century, Agonn Draye would kill warriors who would come to face this evil, and would feast upon the life and power of the men he killed. He was a vampiric creature now, feeding upon his adversaries and growing in strength. Soon, he was rumored to be invincible. They called him the Dragon Lord, referring to how he looked, and to his extreme power, power which the people believed would rival the one Dragon. Warriors stopped coming to fight him. He got bored and went into a hibernation, deep in the mountains where no one could reach him. He was indeed powerful, but also, there were dangers in the mountains, things as strong and even stronger than himself. No one had ever crossed the gigantic range, and his last thoughts before his two thousand-year hibernation were these. "I will cross this range. And I will find more power. I will destroy the Dragon, and become truly invincible."

    Before his hibernation, he had helped many aspiring mages of the same mind as he attain great power, and had helped them transform as well, though in a different way. They became powerful as well, though not nearly was powerful as Agonn himself. These mages later would accompany him across the mountains, as well as others. When he awoke, he searched out the greatest warriors in Gyladren, in the disguise of a normal human, a warrior by looks. Among these was the ranger, Farren. They crossed the mountain range, losing almost every single one of the group.

    Agonn's men were not seen by the rest of the group, hiding well away from the main party, none of them known about by any of the party aside from the Dragon Lord. One would attack the party every few months, and each one was destroyed by one of the others in the group. Only one of the apprentices lived, and only two of the warriors remained. Farren and his cousin Rilos, the druid. When the last of the apprentices attacked, Rilos was mortally wounded, but had killed the other in the bargain. It was only Farren and Agonn then. They finally found the Dragon. It was an immense combination of carbonide, siliconide, and ionide. Farren and Agonn fought the gigantic Dragon.
    The ranger attacked it furiously, and right when the Dragon was about to land a killing blow, the Dragon Lord would land a heavy attack on it to draw its attention away. and then Farren would do the same when the beast was about to destroy Agonn. The battle went on for hours. Farren was exhausted, and Agonn was forced to show his true form. Using a small bit of his power, he wisked away Farren's fatigue and they fought on. Agonn finally landed the killing blow, eight hours after the battle had begun. He devoured the Dragon's immense power, starting to glow with it. He then stated to Farren that the ranger was of no further use and would be disposed of immediately. Upon finishing his explanation, he lunged forward, his large claymore slashing for the ranger.

    Farren, reacting quickly, had his dual short swords out in time to cross in an attempt to block the attack. But when the claymore hit the crossed blades, the maaaris ranger was thrown back fifteen feet from the force of the blow. His blades made strong by the finest siliconide smiths, Farren picked himself off of the ground and poised himself once more, readying himself for another attack. Agonn came on, slowly, wanting his victim to feel the full weight of how horribly overpowered he was. Lunging once again, he slashes at the maaaris again. This time though, the swift ranger deftly side-stepped the large claymore, coming in at the Dragon Lord's right side, his left blade coming in where his powerful adverary's ribs would be. But the short sword bounces straight off the heavy armor. Not wasting any time as his blade bounces off, Farren spins to his right. Reversing the blade in his right hand, he attacks with the full momentum of the spin behind his blade, straight into Agonn's back. But again, the blade bounces off of the apparently indestructible armor. He continues his spin, reversing his blade back, and faces his opponent.

    "Farren, you really shouldn't fight back. It will be less painful this way, I assure you. I may be what you would call evil, but I am not cruel. One quick slice, and it will be over. You are a fine warrior, and strong of will too. But you cannot defeat me." says the Dragon Lord as he turns around. Farren closes his eyes in concentration, trying to think of how to defeat this impossibly strong monster. Then he just loosens his whole body, his arms going slightly slack, and then reopens his eyes. "I cannot let go without a fight, fiend. I'll not just let you walk back into Gyladren without trying to stop you. It is my duty as a ranger to try and stop you." is Kutter's reply. Agonn, swings his claymore, and in that instant, time slows for Farren. His eyes once again closed, he brings right blade up to parry the attack, but instead of stopping the weapon, he spins off of the claymore. Time returns to normal, and his adversary swings furiously at him with the claymore, with the ease of a short sword, wielding the large blade with a single hand. The maaaris starts into a new technique, a dance. He cannot defeat Agonn's attacks with a full on block or parry, but he can dodge aside quite nicely. The ancient being comes in with a thrust towards Farren's stomach, but Farren slams both blades down on the claymore and vaults himself over the other, landing into a spin, slashing rapidly at the other's armor, and catches the claymore with his left blade as Draye spins, slashing with his sword at the ranger's neck. Kutter spins off of the attack, using the momentum of the claymore to set him into motion, and stops the spin facing his enemy, his blades ready.

    "Hmph. Your fancy moves will gain you nothing but a longer death." says Agonn. He throws down his claymore, and says a few words under his breath, and two extravagently crafted longswords appear in his hands. "Ready yourself ranger, this is a battle I will write about. You are worthy of books." Saying that, he lunges at Farren, slashing with both blades. The swift ranger blocks the attacks, no longer needing to dodge, his body able to handle the parrying of the longswords. With Farren's blades outward from the parry, the other brings his blades through the middle for a double thrust. Farren's arms go in a loop as they are still flying outwards and his twin short swords catch the other's longswords and forces them downwards, and launches himself feet first at Agonn, sticking his blades in the ground and using them to propel himself. His kick catches the Dragon Lord in the chest, knocking the immensely powerful being backward, and then he pulls his legs back and above him while he lies on his back from the kick, and launches them forward, arching his back as he does so, landing firmly on his feet as the Dragon Lord recovers.
    "Now, this is interesting." remarks Agonn as he gets up. He begins anew his attack on Farren, the ranger spinning in circles, putting momentum behind his parries and attacks as he finds openings. The Dragon Lord is amazed at how the night maaaris can keep up with him, strike for strike, and them some. It is the greatest warrior he's ever fought, to be able to match him, though he is still suppressing his own power. Suddenly, a great wolf flies out of seemingly nowhere and barrels into Agonn, knocking him sideways to the ground. Farren, surprised to see his greatest friend, Arrow, makes no hesitation as he lunges forward and kicks the Dragon Lord's weapons away before stepping back a few paces to allow his opponent to get back up.

    "Farren... You are good with those blades, and your wolf is quite strong. But I am hardly putting out my full potential." says the ancient mage. He starts to focus himself, bringing his power up through his body. The grass around him blows away from him with a soft wind seeming to emanate from Agonn's body. Then it stops, and the Dragon Lord starts towards Farren. Arrow once again launches himself at the evil being, but never even reaches him before some powerful force catches the large wolf and throws it to the ground, leaving him unconscious.

    As Agonn gets closer, Farren feels his own body being gripped, and is ready for it when he is launched away, landing on his feet softly in a crouch, saying to himself, "This is impossible. How can he have that kind of power?" before moving in for an attack. Again he is thrown forcefully away. He tries to attack the Dragon Lord many times, and each time he never reaches his adversary. But by the time he stopped, he believed he knew how to get past the shielding force. Once more, he lunges forward and closes his mind out to everything, focusing only on his task. His night maaaris irises glowing brightly their penetratingly ice blue color. He makes it past the shielding power and assails the Dragon Lord furiously, parrying aside the mage's fists as they swing in, fighting in rage, hating this monster. He had hurt, though Farren believed he had killed, his best friend.

    Agonn, not expecting this, was completely in awe when the dual short swords glowed slightly, the same color as the night maaaris's eyes, and pierced straight through his armored skin into his body. Farren pulled the two blades out as fast as he had them in, and continued his attack, opening another three wounds with his spinning style of fighting, and made another slice, this one diagonally up the front of his enemy's body, pulling the blade from its low position to slash upwards, the spin making it diagonal. He swatted aside a few more punches effortlessly and kept on his attack, moving forward as the Dragon Lord moved back to get away. The ancient mage found his two longswords and ducked quickly to pick them up, suffering a few slashes to his head. As he got back up he tried to parry the other's attacks, but found that he now had to halves of longswords, the ranger's blades slicing straight through the metal. Still spinning, having mastered this form of fighting now and not getting dizzy, Farren suddenly stops, facing his adversary, and instantly reverses both blades in his hands and stabs forward and down with them into the other's chest. Agonn lets out a cry of pain, one much like the Dragon he resembled and killed had.

    Suddenly, Agonn Draye is gone. Not physically, the body is still there, but his ionide form has fled. Farren, not noticing this until a few seconds later, had almost completely destroyed the siliconide body before dropping his weapons and collapsing on the spot. Arrow, a few feet away, wakes up a few minutes later and comes over to stand next to his night maaaris friend. He licks the ranger on the face a few times before sitting next to him and waiting.

    A few hours later, Farren awakens, extremely exhausted, many wounds on his body that he hadn't even noticed. "Arrow, you are indeed the greatest of friends, I had thought you lost to me." He hugs the great wolf to him and wonders how he will be able to get back across the mountain range alive. And if Agonn Draye will ever come back. He knows the answer to the latter question, but it is the former that took up his time. "Well my friend, it seems we must get started. Let's forage a bit for some food and water, then we shall begin our journey back over the mountains. Perhaps we can warn someone of what happened, pay respects to family and friends of the others who came. And then we can return home."

    For the next week, Farren and Arrow gather food and water and other supplies and begin their journey home.

    This has not been proofread yet, so...

    EDIT: Also, feedback is welcomed. Except on the grammar and spelling and such >:/ I'm sure of you see a mistake, I have already seen it. I'm just a tad lazy to fix them all. Such as the switching of tense between past and present all the time.

