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Author Topic: Theories on Balance: by Anagrammaticus  (Read 390 times)


Theories on Balance: by Anagrammaticus
« on: July 22, 2004, 02:15:00 am »
It is widely believed throughout the world that there are two supreme forces at work in the universe, Light and Dark otherwise often called Good and Evil. People tend to consider them to be extreme opposites and that one force should be the supreme force; Good is more powerful than evil, the light will overshadow the dark and vice versa. There is an overriding belief that one can conquer the other and yet in reality and even in unreality one can never truly exist without the other.

Myself and some other scholars of Lucinda believe that the universe is a vast entity with every part of it being related to and dependent on every other part. It stands to reason that within this all embracing wholeness, or entity, there is constant change; day into night, life into death, summer into winter, and so on, all of which occur in a continuous cycle. It is a constant stream of balance.

The universe in actual fact can be reduced to these two most basic forms of energy, light and dark, or good and evil. Call it what you will, but in order for all things to progress in balance, the forces of good and evil must constantly interact with each other. While doing so, each evolves and changes over a period of time into its opposite. As day gradually turns to night you can begin to see the association occuring. For this very reason, everything that seems to be light, or good,  contains some dark, or evil, and all that is dark, or evil, also contains some Light, or good, without which change would not be possible. Consider that without evil there is no need for good, without darkness there is no light, there just is...

