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Author Topic: The End  (Read 268 times)


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    The End
    « on: June 26, 2004, 10:28:00 am »
    This was inspired by the love between Kasha and Quintayne.  I would personally like to thank Aurhinius for writing it.  Everytime I read it, it takes my breath away.  Those of you whose characters have met Kasha & Quintayne know that their bond is very stong and they know that they will never be parted..not even in death.


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      RE: The End
      « Reply #1 on: June 26, 2004, 10:29:00 am »
      Standing beside him she reached up taking the slip of silk between her fingers. A gentle tug was all that was needed.  Her hair falling around her face in a cascade of auburn.  Then as quickly as it framed her soft features the wind caught it and in a gentle caress that reminded her of him drawing it back billowing like the sails of a tall ship. Trembling, the tears falling freely, she leaned forward running the silken ribbon through her fingers as she had watched him do just hours before. His hands were chill in the breeze as she lovingly slid the ribbon into them clasping them together across his stomach. The sun was failing, tendrils of gold and orange hanging upon the horizon. Tomorrow would not be far away but for her there was no tomorrow, no future, was this the end of something she had believed was endless.  All of her hopes, her dreams, the passion that she did not know she had possessed lay before her silent and still. Cold.

      Leaning down as the light faded, a crystal tear falling on too his lifeless face staining his cheeks as it had hers.  Placing her lips too his she kissed him softly. Memories stirred within her and as her eyes closed briefly, blocking out the world forcing more tears down her cheeks, she felt the warmth of his lips and the passion he had offered that first time beneath the falls. She took a ragged breath concealing the truth of a heart breaking sob as she turned her cheek too the side and laid her head too his chest. Where was the comfort it had brought?  Laying there for what seemed an age she opened her eyes and he was suddenly lifeless again. Rising reluctantly the wind caught her hair again and she lifted his sword into her hands cradling it like a newborn. Stepping back from him she turned away too face the shore. From the shadows a torch barer stepped forward resting his charge upon the platform and returned back into them as the flickers of the first flames that would become an inferno caught. Sinking too her knees amongst the sand she held out his blade offering it too something unseen.  The flames danced reflected upon the water and on the blade she held taking him from her.  Fresh tears slid down her cheeks as the pain consumed her completely as she knelt sobbing.

      His parting words too her had been the words he had spoken with adoration the day they were wed and their souls bound.

      “No matter the distance between us you are always closer too me than any other. We shall never be truly parted, not even in death for this bond is eternal.”

      He had smiled and met her eyes telling her in a moment how much he loved her as no words could have conveyed. It was a gaze she knew well, a gaze that had always taken her breath away and left her lost for words. Then he was gone.

      “Why?” she whispered softly, “why?” she continued to ask the question knowing no answer would come.  Her heart and her soul had left with him, what was left felt the pain of all losses.

      She felt a hand upon her shoulder but did not turn to see too whom it belonged the pain too great.  “He is not dead Kasha, he lives on within our hearts.  Tales will be told of him into the centuries too come.  I will see too it.” The words of the bard were soft and well placed. She shook her head in defiance at reality tears still flowing freely with no hint of an end.  “Why?!” her cry of shear anguish came again drowning out the song of the flame and the sea.  Bending almost double resting the sword upon the sand her agony overwhelmed her. She pleaded as if for her own life “Why?.... I need him… don’t you understand I need him…he is my life” The wind died and she was silent for a time shadows dancing around her in the cool night air. Drawing herself up slowly she slid the belt of scabbard around her waist fingers trembling and her eyes clouded with unshed tears she struggled with the buckle finally securing it.  The blade came to rest against her thigh as if it had been made for her.

      Turning from the shore she noticed for the first time those gathered behind her. Many faces had been familiar too them both but there was only one face her eyes wished to lay upon now, it was the only one they could not. Many looked upon her sharing in her sadness but she knew that none truly understood the pain she felt now nor the happiness she had felt when he was with her.  She stepped forward and they parted too let her past heads bowed solemnly.

      Standing amongst the shadows away from the others she noticed a figure his black robes flowing around him as the wind picked up once again, a crow perched upon his shoulder. Approaching him she recognised his features as he stepped into the light of the flames for a brief moment. Placing a hand upon her shoulder as she began to pass he stopped her forcing her gaze up onto his emotionless visage. “You know if there was anything in my power  I could have done to save him I would have.”  She had heard the same from the others and all had spoken sincerely and yet it seemed hollow for none had been able to do anything.  Kasha shook her head and whispered almost in audibly “it doesn’t matter Nathan. He is gone” she paused taking a ragged breath as a new tear traced the familiar path down her cheek.  “I will be with him soon” with that he let his hand fall from her moving aside to let her past.

      Striding into the night her hand caressed the hilt of his sword lovingly. Her senses were numb but one thing called too her, her salvation, the only way she could be with him now. Battle. She would succeed where none of the others could, she would be in his arms again, it was her favourite place, the only place she had ever felt safe.

      She had ran, ran hard stopping once when bandits had stopped her on the road too Fort Llast, then again outside Krandor when a mercenary group had given challenge.  She had fought like never before his blade certain death in her hands.   Severed limbs and corpses had lain strewn around her. They never had the sense to run and this was her justice. It brought her no respite from the anguish but they had sought to hinder her and she would not be apart from him any longer than was needed.

      Leaving the road they had walked many times before she knew where to find their camp. Her last stand would be there.  It was close to where she wanted to rest finally before she would see him. Drawing his sword she charged up the mound to where she knew the giants would be. She had left her shield at home. What need was there for it now?  Catching them by surprise she quickly felled two before they had time to arm themselves.   -Had any been watching this night what they would have seen could only be described as deadly beauty. -  She moved with a fluidic grace and unmatched skill. The sword sharp rending great wounds upon these giant creatures. There were as many as she had hoped, enough to be sure she could not win.

      The finishing blow had come just before dawn. One of the few giants left purposely given chance, find it’s mark with a spear. She was tired muscles aching and had fought all she had the will for. It’s strength enough to drive it through the plate and deep into her side. She didn’t cry out she merely stumbled back into the shadows turning toward the roar of water. Blood flowed through her fingers mimicking the flow of the water over the falls before her.  She had stemmed it long enough to make it here and that is all she wanted.

      Her strength faltered and she collapsed too the ground the pain was nothing compared too that of her loss.  Mustering all that was left she rolled gently on to her back amongst a bed of leaves clutching his sword too her chest. Tendrils of the first light of dawn touched her face. Their caress was warm and it reminded her of his.  Her eyes searched the heavens seeing the endless possibilities she had seen the night they had lain here together. This place held so many memories for them both it was this reason that had brought her finally here. It was here in the fading night that she had embraced her heart and taken the courage too speak of it too him.  It was here that it all began. It was here that he had accepted her and it was here that he would receive her again.


